For OEM customers, we provide the following:
- Your own custom, redistributable runtime, like the demo MT Player below
- the Bome SignTool to create signed and/or encrypted project files (.bmtp / .bmte) for the player
Please contact us if you are interested in licensing an OEM version of the player or the editor.
If you are interested in licensing our virtual MIDI ports, please see the BMIDI product page.
Bome MIDI Translator Pro OEM
You can also license the preset editor, MIDI Translator Pro, as an OEM version with complete redistributable rights. Please contact us for more info.
Bome SignTool
The SignTool lets you sign your presets so that they are bound to run in your own MT Player. You can also create encrypted preset files (.bmte): these files can only be decrypted by your version of MT Player, so that you can protect your hard work (it is not possible to look into .bmte files, or edit them).
Operation is simple: just drag your .bmtp file on the SignTool and it signs it, and it creates the encrypted version with file extension .bmte.
After setting up a license with Bome Software, you will get your own signing key to use with the signing tool.