When will you fix the double byte bug?


2006-01-29 04:34:43


I've downloaded trial version, and I didn't realize the bug until I read all the helps and features and spent lots of time to learn them. Finally, when I tried to work on our own language, Restorator just didn't save any strings starting with double byte (for example, I am working on Korean, Japanese, and Chinese).

I've tried changing Viewer Settings, but no settings worked!!!

Will you ever support international characters at all? When?

You should be kind enough to mention that current version of Restorator does NOT support international characters so that I do NOT waste my precious time and others like me.


2006-01-29 18:39:53


I'm sorry for this bug. It is mentioned in the forums, though. It'll be fixed in Restorator 2006, due out soon.
