differences in behavior between ui en command-line mode


2007-03-02 15:25:09


When I add resources using the command line they behave different from adding them through the ui.

I am adding an .bmp file with the following command line options:
-open visual.exe -assignOn Bitmap\324 herald.bmp -saveAs test9.exe -exit

When I look at the create test9.exe it has the bitmap but the type is "Bitmap image".
When I add the resource manually through the UI the type is "Bitmap".

When I use -open visual.exe -assignOn 2\324 herald.bmp -saveAs test9.exe -exit it works as expected.
Is this intended behavior or am I missing something.

Cham PĆ¼schel


2007-03-11 21:05:47

Hi Cham,

sorry for the late reply. Indeed, this looks like a bug.

UPDATE: this bug will be fixed in "Update 1" to be released in a few days.

Thanks and best regards,