Hi blehjutsu,
fact is:
no protection of the world can protect me against other people pirating my software. Latest "idea" in the game is to just use stolen credit card numbers and purchase a license with that, then pass around that license. That all those people are committing crimes doesn't seem to worry them.
fact is:
I stopped worrying about cracks. I do just enough to inform people who are not aware that software needs to be payed.
fact is:
There are people who don't steal. That's how I make my living.
I stopped wasting my time to stop crackers and criminals. I rather spend my time developing software.
Replies to your questions:
considering Restorator is a program that helps you *steal* resources from other ppl... don't know how the author can be so blase about people having to pay for it
Restorator's main purpose is not to "steal" resources. Of course, people can steal resources with Restorator, but they can steal files with Windows Explorer just the same. Restorator is a powerful tool that allows you to increase your productivity, streamline software development, etc. That's what people are paying money for. There is no "ethical issue" here. Everybody is responsible for himself to not break the law.
If u navigate to this link you get a 403 forbidden
Yes, I did configure my webserver to display the Forbidden page when people come from known websites offering illegal cracks. That's not a "security measure", it's a warning for people who don't know what they're doing.
Why is the file hosted on the home site!?
As everything on bome.com, Restorator is hosted on bome.com. There is no affiliation with home.com -- except maybe by your eye sight?

Have a website only based registration mechanism
I am tired of software that invades the user's privacy. It annoys the legitimate users, and will not stop the cheapos to continue their illegal business. It's particularly amusing that
you are proposing such a scheme

Thanks for your time...