Hi, i installed you program, and after i rebout my computer, i couldn't open any .exe file!!!! i can't run any program and do anything, please help me what i should do?!
I cant even uninstall your program because unitsall file i also .exe file...
2006-11-19 23:06:51
Hi Al,
sorry to hear this, a long time ago I had heard a report about this happening with an illegal copy of Restorator. I can assure you that the version that bome.com is distributing will not modify the association for .exe files. In fact, even that you can edit associations from within Restorator, it will prevent you from editing the .exe association for exactly the reason.
I guess you can start programs from the task manager. There you may get lucky editing the registry (start "regedit") and looking for the entry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and check the tree under ".exe".