Here is some general advice:
1) read the README.TXT file that comes packaged with SendSX. It contains some information. It comes with some usage examples.
2) Make sure the MIDI connection is set up correctly:
- a cable from the Synth's MIDI OUT port to the computer's MIDI IN
- a cable from the Synth's MIDI IN port to the computer's MIDI OUT
3) Make sure you set up Send SX correctly:
- in the menu, choose MIDI IN and MIDI OUT with the MIDI ports where you connected the MIDI cables
Now playing on the synthesizer should result in hex codes to appear in the right Midi In window.
Simlarly, entering
90 40 7F
in the left Midi Out window and clicking the "Send" button should produce a note on the synth. You can stop it by editing the above to
90 40 00
and hit Send again.
4) Loading/Saving
SendSX loads and saves files in binary .syx format. This is a common format, but you may also get bulk dumps on the net or elsewhere in MIDI/.mid format. The latter cannot be read by SendSX, currently.
5) Storing the synth's memory on the computer
- Clear the right Midi In window
- on the synth itself, invoke the "Send Bulkdump" or "Dump Memory" or similar function. Usually this option can be found in the "settings", "menu", "utility" or similar mode.
- you should see the data appear in SendSX's right Midi In window.
- when everything arrived, use the File menu's "Save Midi In As..." function to save the memory dump to the computer.
6) Sending a bulk dump to the Synth
- use the File menu's "Open" function to open the .syx or .txt file.
- you should see the codes appear in the left Midi Out window.
- Hit Send.
7) Problems?
- be sure to use the latest version
- you can throttle the send speed -- try different settings
- if you can't figure it out, please post a new message to the forums
In future...
We're developing a tool that specializes in receiving and sending bulkd umps from MIDI devices. Stay tuned!
Hope that'll give you a quick start!