2005-12-17 23:45:31
Hello, i have a question: can i send and receive my sysex files from Ableton Live to my Nord Rack 2 synth with Send SX?
If it is possible, can you tell me the MIDI ins & Outs in both programs?
Is it necesary use a virtual Midi cable, like a MIDI Yoke?
2005-12-18 09:15:22
I'm pretty sure that Ableton Live can send the sys ex files directly to the Nord Rack.
If your sys ex files are in .syx file format, you can also just load them into SendSX and send them to the Nord Rack directly (no need for Ableton then).
2005-12-18 19:04:56
Thanks Florian, but i use Cubase SX1 and Send SX works fine with this sequencer "on the fly", in Ableton Live i try to do this, but when i open both programs (Send SX first), in Ableton Live the Nord Rack´s midi channel is missing, why?
I try a lot of midi channel conbinations, but not works.
2005-12-19 13:52:33
some MIDI ports cannot be opened by 2 programs. You could try the other way round: first start ableton, then send sx. If you can open the MIDI port in SendSX, then you should have what you want. If not, you may need to install a virtual MIDI port (like Yoke) and enable SendSX's "MIDI Thru" option.
2005-12-19 15:10:48
Ok Florian, i follow your instructions, install midi yoke, but the problem exist anyway.
i do this:
first run Send SX
then run Ableton Live
in Send SX i can´t use the Nord Lead midi channel, use Midi Yoke 1
in Ableton Live select Nord Lead midi channel (channel 1)
select Midi trhu in Send SX
Send sysex data..... but not works
any ideas?
Thanks again
2005-12-19 15:27:26
I hope you understand what you're doing: if you want to route MIDI data "thru" SendSX, you need to select both MIDI input and MIDI output in SendSX. Otherwise, of course, SendSX will not use the "thru" function.
Please describe in more details which data you want to send to which program, i.e. all the connections of MIDI IN to MIDI OUT.
2005-12-19 21:03:15
Ok Florian, it´s very simple:
i have my own Nord Lead sysex files in a folder into my hard disk, and use Ableton Live for create my songs. The only thing what i need is load some sysex files in Send SX and transmits this files to my Nord Lead "on the fly" . The Nord Lead transmit and receive in Channel 1.
When i try to do this whit using Cubase Sx works whitout problems, but when i try to use Ableton Live channel 1 disappears.
My idea is try to use Ableton Live, not Cubase. This action is the most important to me, because i do and record many changes with Nord Lead in each song, and it is the perfect solution for use my own sysex librarian.
The midi configuration is this:
Nord Lead OUT........... Midi IN PC´s interface
Nord Lead IN.............. Midi OUT PC`s interface
That´s all.
Thanks for your time.