2012-03-08 03:21:17
i probably tried all sysex-software on the net, up to midiox , but none of them is offering following function:
situation: a group of syx-files i a directory
function: autosend by clicking one button, sound after sound from a definded directory
sugestion for your frontend:
button 1: select directory
button 2a and 2b:mask sysex:
masking byte 2 :midichannel (normaly not includedin checksum)
masking byte 8: programm number (as in k5000r sysex) normaly not includedin checksum)
button UP : send first sound in dir and then the next sound one after each other
without opening and selecting sounds , and with autosending
button DOWN : analogue , but browsing sounddirectory "downwords"
button "MASK" : by implementing tags in the file-name and MASKING (for example using LETTERS like
-L for leadsound
-P for percussivesounds
one could reduce the browsing by UP and DOWN to a defined groupof sound (filenameformat = NAME__L-P-X-Y.syx)
sorry, i am not a programmer, but could you imagine to implement these functions to your frontend?
if it isinteresting for you, i could not find any programm with this functionality.
praxis: just one-click-browsing thru lots of sounds , while the composition plays from a sequencer.
while using your prog in a vba-shell, the name of the sound (file) is not relevant for the synth (the name is saved in the sysex itself), this would probably work with with lots of synths
if it is interesting for you, i could not find any programm with this functionality.
please let me know. i really would be greatful, since my programming ofmidi-out in vba simply does not work.
thank you.
i probably tried all sysex-software on the net, up to midiox , but none of them is offering following function:
situation: a group of syx-files i a directory
function: autosend by clicking one button, sound after sound from a definded directory
sugestion for your frontend:
button 1: select directory
button 2a and 2b:mask sysex:
masking byte 2 :midichannel (normaly not includedin checksum)
masking byte 8: programm number (as in k5000r sysex) normaly not includedin checksum)
button UP : send first sound in dir and then the next sound one after each other
without opening and selecting sounds , and with autosending
button DOWN : analogue , but browsing sounddirectory "downwords"
button "MASK" : by implementing tags in the file-name and MASKING (for example using LETTERS like
-L for leadsound
-P for percussivesounds
one could reduce the browsing by UP and DOWN to a defined groupof sound (filenameformat = NAME__L-P-X-Y.syx)
sorry, i am not a programmer, but could you imagine to implement these functions to your frontend?
if it isinteresting for you, i could not find any programm with this functionality.
praxis: just one-click-browsing thru lots of sounds , while the composition plays from a sequencer.
while using your prog in a vba-shell, the name of the sound (file) is not relevant for the synth (the name is saved in the sysex itself), this would probably work with with lots of synths
if it is interesting for you, i could not find any programm with this functionality.
please let me know. i really would be greatful, since my programming ofmidi-out in vba simply does not work.
thank you.