2016-07-03 20:03:18
Hi Florian!!
I´ve been following the story about the BomeBox since I was crazy looking for some solution to configure my set up without using a computer, and I´m really happy that you fixed those certification issues.
I´m a professional drummer, and I´m trying to create a new solo project, playing all my gear, mainly from my electronic drums. I know there are some software solution, but as I play a lot with musicians that use computers as part of their gear, I was lucky to witness to panic 5 minutes before the gig because something (and never will know what) doesn't work...
I´m using some "old" gear: Roland Td-6, Boss Sp 202 Dr Sampler, Electro Harmonix 2880, old synths and that kind of old noisy-tasty hardware...
My idea is set up everything and loop myself and play just triggering everything form my pads. I'm REALLY interested about Song Position Pointers and being able to access them in a non-linear way... Do you think (as me) Bomebox is my solution?
I don't know if I'm understandable, and I can imagine you are pretty busy dealing with the production, (I hope you are
So keep on!!!! We are waiting!!!
Congratulations from Spain!
P.S: Sorry for my spanish english
I´ve been following the story about the BomeBox since I was crazy looking for some solution to configure my set up without using a computer, and I´m really happy that you fixed those certification issues.
I´m a professional drummer, and I´m trying to create a new solo project, playing all my gear, mainly from my electronic drums. I know there are some software solution, but as I play a lot with musicians that use computers as part of their gear, I was lucky to witness to panic 5 minutes before the gig because something (and never will know what) doesn't work...
I´m using some "old" gear: Roland Td-6, Boss Sp 202 Dr Sampler, Electro Harmonix 2880, old synths and that kind of old noisy-tasty hardware...
My idea is set up everything and loop myself and play just triggering everything form my pads. I'm REALLY interested about Song Position Pointers and being able to access them in a non-linear way... Do you think (as me) Bomebox is my solution?
I don't know if I'm understandable, and I can imagine you are pretty busy dealing with the production, (I hope you are
So keep on!!!! We are waiting!!!
Congratulations from Spain!
P.S: Sorry for my spanish english