2016-09-05 08:01:17
I was looking at the BomeBox as a way to control aspects of my Analog Rytm using a Launch Control XL without a computer. I was also looking into a way to send MIDI sync + merge with MIDI note data as I have a MIDI keyboard (with both USB and reg MIDI connector) and a Beatstep Pro (with both USB and reg MIDI connector) that I want to send controller data, midi note data to a synth (Waldorf Pulse 2 with both USB and reg MIDI connector) along with MIDI sync from an external source most likely via regular MIDI connector. So, with the BomeBox and perhaps MIDI Translator Pro what can I achieve here? Could I have sync coming in via standard MIDI port that goes out to all devices via USB (USB Hub) and then have merge capability so I can send note and controller data to the synth either from BSP or keyboard?