2018-02-03 23:29:52
So I've been trying to narrow down the source of jitter, sometimes massively unacceptable levels (read: unplayable) in my rig after the introduction of a new sequencer. (You might think it's the new sequencer, but it was always there - I just compensated. Now I'm running parallel sequencers and really need to get this to work.)
I'm still trying to narrow things down, so please bear with me.
[Sequencer (Sync Master)]->[Parallel Sequencer (Sync Slave)] *ie No BomeBox
Rock freakin solid. No jitter that I can detect (info gleaned from watching Tempo on the receiving sequencer - no software measuring)
[Sequencer (Sync Master)]->BomeBoxDIN->[Parallel Sequencer (Sync Slave)] Some Jitter
[Sequencer (Sync Master)]->MIDISport 4x4 ->BomeBoxUSB->MIDISport (different channel)->[Parallel Seq] Yields massive jitter.
Plugging anything else into the MIDISport and creating separate routes yields completely wild miscommunication that is too severe to be called "jitter", but chances are it's basically just that. (Although SequencerStop messages don't seem to get thru. heh)
I've been trying to narrow down the culprits, and although it's looking like the MIDISport is a likely suspect, it seems anything USB via the BomeBox is a bust. The BomeBox itself isn't looking too innocent. I had a USB Hub in there, but in trying to deal with this issue I first took that out of the mix.
What do you think I'm overlooking? Should I go with a better USB MIDI Interface? Right now, I only have two major streams of data that need to be processed via MTPro scripts, so theoretically I could just get a second BomeBox to process the second stream, and only use the BomeBox DIN connections, which seem the most resilient. Unfortunately those streams communicate between the two sequencers (different data - I can detail that for edification in case anyone wants to delve into the setup, but using Thru boxes and Mergers to narrow the In/Out data scares the heck out me because: reasons)
Or am I, as an old person, shaking my fist at the USB MIDI kids to get off my lawn? (read: completely misinterpreting what the abilities are)
Wouldn't it be sexy if there was a BomeBox that was 8x8 MIDI DIN? Routing and complex scripting! Or do I just miss my JLCooper MSB+ Rev2 like the good ol'days?