2018-05-02 10:14:15
Here are some features I would have found the following useful as I programmed my MT project.
- The ability to have log file only show only results for translators that affected designated global variables, caused a jump to a designated label, etc. So, if, for example, a line of code incremented a variable or caused a jump to a labeled destination, the relevant input, rules, and output of the relevant translator would be displayed in the log window. Other results wouldn't show.
- The ability to navigate to a preset in the preset window and translator in the translator window by clicking on a line in the log window. The relevant line in the translator properties window should then be highlighted.
- The ability to stop execution of code at certain locations or after certain actions by placing a special command in the desired location in a translator. Is that called a trap?
- The ability to jump to and return from subroutines. Maybe that has always been a possibility, but I haven't figured out how to do it.
- Step by step execution of a project to aid in debugging.
- Named global variables.. this has been mentioned by others already, I know. And more of them.
- Incorporation of MIDIBuddy functionality. Perhaps you (Florian) and Steve have already talked this through.
- Addition of a library of functions that are likely to be useful to MT users.
Most likely, I'll never see or benefit from the changes you do in v.2. I believe I'm done with my project. The suggestions don't extend the basic functionality of MT, but they might make for more effective programming.
I've been able to achieve everything I envisioned when I first started programming with MT. I'll be ever grateful that such a program exists.