2018-07-29 01:56:37
I got time today to really get into the configuration/routing and make a working preset. My setup is a big "overwhelming" in terms of the amount of controllers I'm using, so it just had me a bit reluctant til now as it seemed always to end in frustration getting things to work.
Anyway, my setup consists of 6-8 Behringer CMD module midi controllers, depending on my configs/preference any given day. The specific unit I am using in my example is the CMD MM-1, which I've configured using Midi-OX to send midi messages through channel 2.
The software targets are; one instance of Traktor Pro 2, and one instance of Reaper 5.93 (DAW), which I've already configured to send/receive audio channels via asio routing and KA6. All controllers/midi are routed exclusively to Traktor with the exception of Channel 4 midi - which is my "blank" channel for Bome routing. Hopefully that makes sense enough.
The ONLY midi controller I want to be used in my DAW, in this example and for simplicity sake, is controller CC#64 of the MM-1, which as I stated resides on channel 2. CC#64 is the cross-fader of the MM-1, as with Traktor's audio being mixed "externally" (inside Reaper), I realized the need to implement a cross-fader inside of my DAW if I wanted the same type of behavior as you'd expect when mixing between decks. (perhaps this is a bit overboard in terms of explaining my setup but hey - i'm kind of proud to have made it this far 😀 )
So, my intent in making this preset was to simply tell the MM-1 to act "as normal" for all of it's CC's and note-on/off's, EXCEPT for CC#64 - which, when manipulated, should have it's own exclusive path (channel #4) and make its way to Reaper's midi input.
To acheive this, I made a single preset with 5 translators, and I'm mainly wondering if this is at all an optimal/efficient way of doing things or if some of you more experienced BMTP'ers here could chime in and steer me towards a better way of doing this. I'll attach the project file, but to sumarize briefly as to what I've done; 1 translator is set up to take any value from channel 2 / CC#64 and output such to channel 4 / CC#64. Then I made one each for midi note-ons / offs, and one for all CC's that do not equal CC#64, to be sent on channel 2 as is (this is mostly where I think maybe I could be doing something different as it seemed redundant but was, in the end, the only way I was able to figure out to get Traktor to see MM-1 on channel 2).