Easiest way of changing universal midi channels with hard key


2018-07-30 17:37:25


I am mapping an APC mini midi controller with has designated midi notes defaulted to Midi channel 1. I would like to map a separate key which upon pushing it , it would change all the buttons to send to midi channel 2 and mapping an other button would do channel 3 etc...

What is the easiest way/ script to do this?


Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2018-07-30 17:53:25


The easiest way would be to create a global variable (ie ga) which depicts the MIDI channel you want to transmit.  The default value for any global variable upon project open is 0 (which would be MIDI channel 1).

Then have a translator that changes this variable when pressing a given button (or computer keystroke).

Then you would need translators set up to translate incoming note and CC messages from incoming of channel 1 to outgoing of channel ga. Here is an example that would handle both note and CC messages (any 3 byte MIDI sequence).

Translator : Translate Note and CC from Channel 1 to channel gc
Incoming: Raw MIDI Message pp qq rr
//  Change outgoing channel

// pp is a combination of MIDI message and channel IE 90 is Note on MIDI channel 1

// We need to capture the first digit 9=note on 8=note off  b=CC message and the OR it with the target outgoing MIDI channel

// This will clear the existing incoming MIDI channel. Really not necessary if it is MIDI

// channel 1 since all these bits are already cleared. However, it would be necessary for any

// other incoming channel so I suggest you leave it in.  There will be other rules needed if you

// want to ignore other incoming MIDI channels. This translator will translate ALL incoming

// channels to the target outgoing channel “ga”


// Now lets OR the MIDI Type message with the target outgoing MIDI channel of ga


// pp should not have the MIDI type and target outgoing channel so it is ready to send in the

// outgoing raw MIDI message

// End of Rules
Outgoing: Raw MIDI message pp qq rr
Options: Swallow

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist



2018-07-30 18:03:46

Hi Steve , thanks for your quick solution. sorry for my ignorance but I am very new to this software. Looking at your solution above , I am not sure how to go about it, where do I enter all this info?

Thank you.


2018-07-30 18:13:40


i Steve , thanks for your quick solution. sorry for my ignorance but I am very new to this software. Looking at your solution above , I am not sure how to go about it, where do I enter all this info?

Thank you.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2018-07-30 18:50:17

Please find the attached project file.

I suggest you also review the first two tutorials of out YouTube tutorial series at the link below. This should help get you grounded on the basic use and interface of Bome MIDI Translator Pro.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist


