Purpose of "None" as incoming action?


2018-08-11 18:18:23


I've noticed the incoming action can be put to "none" but what exactly is the purpose of this? Does this not per definition result in a translator that never does anything?



Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2018-08-11 18:33:47

Where I’ve usually seen this is where someone wants to just add a translator for documentation purposes. They usually add some comments in the description or in the rules,

Sometimes the description is just a bunch of dashes to show as a separator within the rules.

Of course, you could also uncheck the translator to disable it. I guess it is a matter of preference.

You are right that if the incoming action is none, the translator will never fire.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist


2018-08-11 18:48:39


Thanks – I was just wondering if maybe it had some other functionality or purpose that I did not utilize.

I do sometimes use it when I have a list of translators that should start at 1 instead 0.


2018-12-17 01:33:52


It means that the translator doesn’t wait for an incoming trigger. So the rules could contain a conditional statement checking for a global variable’s value. If the condition was true it would then run the outgoing statements. The global variable value would be set by a different translator.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2018-12-17 02:34:26


Not true,
We still wait for an incoming trigger but maybe we just change some global variable but do not have any outgoing action. The incoming trigger will still trigger any rules you have set.