activate only next or previous preset


2018-08-28 16:33:01

Hi in many years I controlled many theathral performances and I use a configuration where Bome's Midi Translator is the center gravity of everything: mixer + light + audio + video + midi + prompter + etc. Now I decided to update the whole systems with new systems and softwares and I also add BomeBox and Bome Network.

What's the point “OLD PROJECT.bmtp” : windows 8.1_32 + Bome’s Midi Translator 1.7.0 + Ableton Live 6.01_32 “NEW PROJECT.bmtp” : windows 8.1_64 + Bome’s Midi Translator 1.8.3 + Ableton Live 10.0.2_64

Now OLD PROJECT it’s really perfect, I think 400-500 live shows NEW PROJECT, it's the same updated project, but I saw 2 strange problems during development: 1 - “activate only next preset” often jump 2 or more next presets 2 – I use “SPACE” to command “activate only next preset”, at the first use it never works, but only from the use bome’s run the command. At the first push the system select the “trash” on the desktop!?!

Can you help me Thanks

Frank Bonan


Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2018-08-28 17:38:47

Hi Frank,

I was not able to duplicate issue number 1 on my Windows 10 system.

For issue number 2 when I made the following changes, things seemed to work


  1. Go to View Setting and uncheck ignore incoming keystrokes when focused
  2. Exit MT Pro
  3. Open MT Pro and re-check the settings as indicated in step 1
  4. Exit MT Pro
  5. Open MT Pro and the project file

Everything seems to work from there (as long as MT Pro is not the active focused window).

I suspect the MT Pro settings file was for some reason in an unknown state regarding this setting and changing the settings and restarting MT Pro puts it back into a known state.

Could you see if this fixed it and then use “Report a bug” with what you posted here along with your findings?

Report a Bug

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist








2018-08-28 18:50:59

it's not solved.

But 3 important things i saw:
1 - not depend to the key ("space" "t" "i" have the same problem)
2 - "activate only previous preset": i think it's ok
3 - "activate only next preset" it's really problem, jump 1 2 3 presets without logic

What can i do now?


2018-08-28 18:52:04

it's not solved.

But 3 important things i saw:
1 - not depend to the key ("space" "t" "i" have the same problem)
2 - "activate only previous preset": i think it's ok
3 - "activate only next preset" it's really problem, jump 1 2 3 presets without logic

What can i do now?

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2018-08-28 18:56:18


On number 3, does your computer have key repeat if you hold a key down? If so, see if you can either disable or slow down when it kicks in.

I also noticed that the key didn’t matter on number 1 but on my system it is working now. I’m on Windows 10 64 bit.


2018-08-28 22:13:42

… oh … i’m sorry … I have the same problem.

I disable “keyboard repeater” but the problem don’t change.


2018-08-28 22:31:00


… another information: i tested also “activate by name” and i have the same problem.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2018-08-28 22:43:51

Hi Frank,

Could you use  ?

Report a Bug

You might want to re-install the software first to see if that might be the problem.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2018-08-29 16:01:06


And the old project works? If so, can’t be a keyboard or keyboard driver problem.

Did you report it as a bug yet in the bug reporting system. In either case, I’ve sent mail to Bome alerting of the possible issue. As far as I know, you are the only one reporting it. Did you try re-installing the software? Also maybe you could find and delete the .bmts (settings) file. Upon re-opening MT Pro if it doesn’t find it, it will re-create a new copy but then you might need to change your settings again if you don’t like the default settings.
I believe the .bmts file is in the “%APPDATA%Bome” path. I think the path is documented in the manual.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist


2018-08-29 22:42:42


TESTS: – I use the same hardware – I use the same “simple project.bmtp” 1 – windows 8.1_32 + Bome’s Midi Translator 1.7.1 + Ableton Live 6.01_32 = perfect! 2 – windows 8.1_64 + Bome’s Midi Translator 1.8.3 + Ableton Live 10.0.2_64 + enable BomeBox + enable Bome Network Pro + disable keyboard repeater = some problems to “next preset”, no problems to “previus preset” 3 – windows 8.1_64 + Bome’s Midi Translator 1.8.3 + Ableton Live 10.0.2_64 + disable BomeBox + disable Bome Network Pro + disable keyboard repeater = some problems to “next preset”, no problems to “previus preset” 4 – windows 8.1_64 + re-install Bome’s Midi Translator 1.8.3 + Ableton Live 10.0.2_64 + disable BomeBox + disable Bome Network Pro + disable keyboard repeater = some problems to “next preset”, no problems to “previus preset” I think there is a little bug, now I write a Report Bug

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2018-08-29 23:42:33


Thanks, Frank! I’ve alerted Florian. I’ll try again to see if I can reproduce, however I have Windows 10 64bit and Abelton Live 9.7.4.

Florian Bome

2018-08-30 00:58:26

Hi, thank you for the bug report. I have tested your example project and I could not reproduce it.
In theory, however, I believe I know what’s happening:
Preset 0 activates preset 1 when you press space. Preset 1 also has the same action for when space is pressed (activate next), preset 2 also reacts on space, etc.

Now during processing, the MT Pro engine goes from translator to translator and tests if the incoming action matches the detected key stroke. If preset 0 is currently active, it will match the translator. The translator will activate preset 1 and deactivate preset 0. But processing of THIS space key is not done. It will continue to the next preset and see that it is active (now), and therefore process the translators in there. It matches the incoming SPACE key and executes the outgoing action: activate next preset… I think you get the point.

This also explains why “activate previous preset” does not suffer from this problem.

Now the reason why it is not 100% predictable is that MT engine processing is multithreaded, and depending on situation/OS/other stuff going on the incoming action and/or the outgoing action might get executed synchronously vs. asynchronously. In the former case, you’ll see the unwanted behavior. Note, the only thing the MT Pro engine guarantees is that events of a given type are always matched in the order they come in. And vice versa for outgoing actions, their order is also maintained (but might be scheduled async wrt to other outgoing action types).

Here are 3 ways which should fix your situation:

1) activate the stop processing flag on all translators processing the “activate next preset”. It means that whenever the given incoming action triggers, it’ll process it, but then discard this incoming event (so following translators will not be tested for that incoming event).

2) Set a 1 millisecond delay on the outgoing action “activate next preset”. Like this, you enforce asynchronous processing of the outgoing action. When the next preset is activated, the triggering event is already fully processed.

3) use a global preset switcher preset. All the “activate next preset” actions will be bundled in this preset. You can mark this preset with “ignore for next/previous preset switching” so that it always stays active.

If your setup allows it, I’d always prefer option 3.

So in summary, I believe that it’s a feature, not a bug… but I agree that it’s not nice that the behavior is not entirely deterministic. But MT Pro’s flexible engine allows the user to create race conditions of this type and of other types, too…

Let me know what you think.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2018-08-30 01:22:34


Would it work to simply put a delay on the output action to activate next preset? This way hopefully the event engine should have already passed by and it would not see a false trigger.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist

Florian Bome

2018-08-30 11:21:08


brilliant idea. I’ll update my answer with this option.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2018-08-30 14:22:54


Glad to help, Florian! I think it is brilliant that you figured out the likely cause of the issue without being able to duplicate it.

Good to see that there are several solution paths as well.



2018-08-30 15:06:10


Now the system is perfect ! Many thanks (Steve we did the same, I put only 1 ms).
Now I’m testing all the project with all the devices + BomeBox + Bome Network.