2018-10-05 03:01:14
I purchased MIDI Translator Pro and the Bome Box a few years back.
At that time I had a DSP Audio/MIDI rig that had devices made from the SDK that did chores I needed.
I have now built an all hardware (no PC) rig.
I need my Controller to send a single CC to Bome, which will then spit out 5 x CCs (24/25/26/27/28) that will move drawbars on my HX-3 Organ Module.
Before I spend time reading and becoming frustrated if I’m wrong, is this possible?
And if so which chapter in the manual should I read.
Thank You
jim vogts
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2018-10-05 03:18:31
Hi Jim,
So is there a range of incoming single CC values that you want to convert to a set of outgoing multiple CC values? If so, could you be more specific on the input CC and values you want coming in and what the resulting output values would be.
As to a general answer, you can in fact do this with rules. You would use the rules to evaluate the incoming CC and value and then send out different output CC and values using raw MIDI messages adjusting the CC and the value depending on the range.
I’m a bit confused why you would only be controlling 5 output CC’s since most Hammond clones would have 9 drawbars (not five). I can help if you can show me a chart with the CC and incoming values and the resulting output CCs and values you want to generate based on the incoming range.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
PS. As far as your question on the manual, focus on
Local and global variables
2018-10-05 23:09:26
Only need 5 x Drawbars, and Upper Manual only. Lowest 3 x drawbars Controlled manually, the highest (9th) Drawbar is forfeited for Percussion. Very observant of you on the count, which is relieving you know about vintage instruments.
Thanks for the information, I shall try it early next week.
Thanks For Your Help.
J Vee
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2018-10-05 23:22:10
OK, just let me know what ranges of the single incoming CC need to control the various ranges of the outgoing 5 CC’s. Should be pretty easy except of course you will be somewhat limited in available output combinations with a single input encoder.
2018-10-06 11:35:41
The CC#53 will range from 0 to 127.
Due to being attached to a FC-7 Expression Pedal.
I step forward on it to expand the 5 x selected drawbars, then pull it back to collapse drawbars to a value of 0, just like the value of CC#53.
Im reading the manual off and on but rehearsing and performing so I’m very busy this week.
Really appreciate your time.
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2018-10-06 16:25:59
OK, so assuming you want all 5 drawbars to move in unison, as with most things, there are a couple of ways to approach this.
Method 1 – A single translator to send out 5 separate MIDI message via raw MIDI
Method 2 – 5 separate translators with the same input trigger each sending out a different CC message.
Method 1 would look like this:
Translator : Send 5 CC
Incoming: Control Change Channel 1 Controller 53 Any value set value to qq
// None
// End of Rules
Outgoing: Raw MIDI B0 18 qq B0 19 qq B0 1A qq B0 1B qq B0 1C qq
Options: Swallow
Note that in the above, we convert the decimal values of 24-28 to hex 18-1C
Method 2
Translator : Send 24
Incoming: Control Change Channel 1 Controller 53 Any value set value to qq
// None
// End of Rules
Outgoing: Control Change Channel 1 Controller 24 value qq
Options: Swallow
Then duplicate the above translator 4 more times changing the output controller(and translator name) for each for the remaining controls you want to send.
I normally set this up and test it with MT Pro and then transfer the project to BomeBox after tested.
Of course you need to set up your proper default input and output MIDI ports as well.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist