2018-10-31 21:40:12
i just bought Bome Translator pro tonight after waiting months for a specific feature to be implanted, but it seems it's not there yet. I wrote to "someone" here last year. i'm a disabled musician, i tried the 1.8 trial. It's a lovely software, a dream come true for me, but i have some questions on specific use (not a big deal but still annoying).
- i'm a musician who use different controler to avoid as much as possible hand movement because i have both hands very injured. my need are for musical purpose but normal computer use as well. the issue of course is to remember all the settings for each programmed translator for all different software :). back then i asked to someone here if an automatic switch preset would be implanted, someone replied to me that it was on the to do list, but from what i read here on the forums, it seems it's not there yet. i'm talking about something like counter design shuttle Xpress does. automatically when a software is launched, the corresponding preset is loaded, instead of clicking or switching or using a special shortcut to switch to a particular preset. Is there a simple way to avoid this ? because there are a lot of software. would this be implanted soon ?
- is there a way to program a Sequence of Mouse mouvement ? instead of a one mouse mouvement per translator ? I hurt myself a lot to do things who doesn't have a keyboard shortcut, and automatic mouse mouvement by just hitting a pad of my CMC-PD steinberg, would be amazing. an example ? saving a Preset in a Vsti in Cubase !! (this feature has no shortcut in Cubase.. with 3 move mouvement it's done but doing it on thousand preset hurt a lot.
- the controlers i use are the CMC series from steinberg, i have them all.
some more questions if i don't bother you so much.
- is it possible to use a command in Bome to "light" the leds from the CMC ? the led work but only when we press the buttons. all the leds are "on" in cubase when used. certainly there is a command possible or something ? Unfortunatly it's a discountinued product, and there is no HEX or Midi implantation in the manual about this.
- is it possible to block the use of some Midi controlers ? for example there are stuff that i want to use exclusively for windows or with my own shortcuts in Cubase. if i launch cubase, for example, the Ai Steinberg CMC is seen by cubase and both signals are received by cubase, the one from Bome and the one set up in cubase. is there a way to make a Preset / translator so when cubase is running, it stop receiving signal from Bome ? but as well vice versa on an another project / preset ! that no signal is send to cubase, and only the ones from bome are working (i'm afraid it's an issue of the driver of the CMC and there is no way to bypass this, except using some tricks (like turning on the controler with a usb switch once cubase is running, and launching bome after. but doing this in an automated way would have been lovely.
Thanks for any reply, i understsand i ask lot of questions, and maybe it's better to post a per topic / per questions ? if yes, please let me know and i'll do it ! Thank you !