Cannot Connect to The BomeBox Network


2018-11-30 00:20:59

I am having problems connecting my PC to the BomeBox network.

I have powered on the BomeBox using the micro USB port (connected to a USB power adapter).

The power LED becomes solid (after a blinking for several seconds).

The WiFi LED becomes solid (after blinking for several seconds).

On my PC, I attempt to connect to the BomeBox network.  I am prompted to enter the network security key.  I enter the password then see a 'checking network requirements' message.  I will eventually receive a 'Cannot connect to this network.' or 'The network security key isn't correct.  Please try again.' message.  I have tried the only two (2) passwords that I have used for the BomeBox, but neither are successful.

Please advise.




Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2018-11-30 02:29:42

Hi, if you haven’t done this already, please try. I suspect you will need to do a network reset which should also remove the network password.


Network Reset It’s possible to misconfigure the BomeBox network setup and entirely lose connectivity. If that happens to you, you can prepare a USB thumb drive – FAT formatted – to reset the network settings. Copy an arbitrary text file to the root folder of the thumb drive, and rename it to: {serial}_reset_network.txt where {serial} is the serial number of that BomeBox, as printed on the sticker at the bottom (e.g.: if the Serial Number of your BomeBox is 00012345 then the name of the file would be 00012345_reset_network.txt). Now attach that prepared thumb drive to the USB connector of the BomeBox and boot it. It should reset the Ethernet and WiFi settings to factory defaults. Don’t forget to unplug the thumb drive!

If all you have is a password problem (after you have connected to the network), you can try the below:

Password Reset If you have forgotten your password for the Web Config, you can reset it in a similar manner to resetting the network (see previous paragraph) by creating a file with the following scheme: {serial}_reset_password.txt


If I had to go through this, I would skip the password reset and go straight to the network reset procedure.

If I remember correctly, there is no network password (but there is a web config password which is the unit serial number) after a network reset.

If you did do a network reset, then make sure you are entering the serial number as the web config password.

If you are being asked for a network security key, then you probably did not do a network reset.


Hopefully this will get you on your way.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2018-11-30 02:53:44


The following tutorial should work “AFTER” you do a network reset.


2018-11-30 03:54:31


Thanks much for the quick response!

I should have mentioned in my original post that I did perform the {serial}_network_reset.txt AND the {serial}_password_reset.txt process in the ‘Troubleshooting’ section of the documentation that came with the BomeBox.  Your response included an additional instruction that the thumb drive be FAT formatted (mine was originally NFTS formatted).  Once I reformatted the drive and recreated the reset files, I was back in business (mostly).

When using my iPad or iPhone to connect to the Web Config utility, all is well.  However, when I use my desktop computer (where my Bomes MIDI Translator Pro is installed – Windows 10), the Web Config utility show a strange result when I display the MIDI Ports.  Basically, no ports appear (including the DIN ports) and the ‘progress indicator’ (next to the refresh button in the upper-right corner) spins continuously (even after pressing the refresh button).  See attached file for a screen capture.  I need the ability to use my desktop PC because this is where I do the development of my BMTP project files that I download to the BomeBox.  Any ideas on what might be happening?

The original problem was no doubt caused when I changed the network password.  Perhaps I typed the new password incorrectly in the Web Config utility.  It was a ‘strong’ password with upper case characters, lower case characters and digits.  Also, the number of characters had 11 characters.  Please let me know if there are any restrictions on password length and acceptable characters.



Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2018-11-30 05:34:03


I saw this issue (constant spinning) once and solved it be clearing my browser cache.  You might try using a different browser just to see if that clears it as well.


I would also recommend you make sure you have the latest version of BomeBox firmware (1.3.1) which you can download from the below link.

The above link can be found on the BomeBox page below (but you have to scroll down):

Let me know if this helps!

I know of no password restrictions other than I believe it needs to be at least 8 characters. Just to be safe, I would stick with English or US character sets (I’ve never tested with any others).


At least it now looks like you can get to the web interface, so some progress is being made.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist




2018-11-30 07:45:03


Using Internet Explorer, I continued to have the problem I described in my previous post even after clearing the browser cache.  However, the Web Config Utility works just fine when I use Microsoft Edge!

Thanks much for your expertise and quick responses!



Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2018-11-30 17:13:56


Hi Greg,

I’m glad you have it working. Did you load the latest firmware yet?
As I remember for me, I had to clear browser Cache (Google Chrome browser), then shut down and re-start all instances on Chrome on the offending computer. A pairing of your BomeBox might also clear it up.

As I said, I saw it once maybe about a year ago but haven’t seen it since the latest 2 new versions of BomeBox firmware.


2018-11-30 17:58:58

Hi Steve,

Actually, updating the firmware on the BomeBox was one of the first things I did before contacting you.  Since I got the Web Config utility working with Microsoft Edge, I have not yet taken the time to get it working with Internet Explorer (but I will try in the next day or so).  I didn’t think I needed to re-pair.  So, here are a few questions I have to clarify my understanding of the Bome networking components:

  1.  Do I need to pair the PC with the BomeBox if I’m only using the PC to develop BMTP project files and upload those file using the Web Config utility?  I thought all I needed for this functionality was connecting to the Web Config utility via the BomeBox WiFi.
  2. If I want to open a MIDI port to send and receive MIDI data between the PC and BomeBox, that would require the Bome Network Tool and pairing the BomeBox and PC.  Do I understand this correctly?
  3. A few months back, we chatted about having multiple ports with the Bome Network Tool as it currently only supports one port.  BTW:  I was able to embed ‘short’ MIDI messages in a SysEx message and have BMTP route the the message to the appropriate MIDI device based on sender/receiver data coded in the SysEx message.  Is multi-port still a consideration for the Bome Network Tool?  If so, any ETA?  And lastly, is the BMIDI SDK  a way of achieving multi ports for the Bome Network or does BMIDI SDX provide multi ports for different apps on the same host?



Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2018-11-30 18:08:37


Do I need to pair the PC with the BomeBox if I’m only using the PC to develop BMTP project files and upload those file using the Web Config utility?

No, but you will need it if you use Network MIDI (BomeNet) to send and receive data from your BomeBox to your computer.

I thought all I needed for this functionality was connecting to the Web Config utility via the BomeBox WiFi.
SJC> Yes

If I want to open a MIDI port to send and receive MIDI data between the PC and BomeBox, that would require the Bome Network Tool and pairing the BomeBox and PC. Do I understand this correctly?
SJC> Yes

A few months back, we chatted about having multiple ports with the Bome Network Tool as it currently only supports one port. BTW: I was able to embed ‘short’ MIDI messages in a SysEx message and have BMTP route the the message to the appropriate MIDI device based on sender/receiver data coded in the SysEx message. Is multi-port still a consideration for the Bome Network Tool?
SJC> My understanding is this is planned for a future release.

If so, any ETA?
SJC> Sorry, that information is not available (even to me)

And lastly, is the BMIDI SDK a way of achieving multi ports for the Bome Network or does BMIDI SDX provide multi ports for different apps on the same host?

SJC> My understanding is that this feature is a planned future but again, I have no timeline for this. I will ask Florian to chime in with any additional information if available.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist

Florian Bome

2018-12-01 02:02:49


> Is multi-port still a consideration for the Bome Network Tool?
yes, we are currently approaching a beta version

> If so, any ETA?
unfortunately, we do not publish any dates

> And lastly, is the BMIDI SDK a way of achieving multi ports for the Bome Network or does BMIDI SDX provide multi ports for different apps on the same host?
The BMIDI SDK is for software manufacturers to add app-to-app capability to their software. It does not interface with the BomeBox.

I Hope that helps!


2018-12-01 03:54:48

Steve and Florian,

Thanks for all the useful information!  I’ll be on the lookout for product updates.  Love your products!

