OK, here is what I did
Added Init Preset and set it to send Init string to your APC-40 at project start.
0.0 – Triggers a timer “Init” at project open
0.1 – Triggers a timer “Init” if you hit your computer escape ke
0.2 – Sends the APC40 an initialization string to ensure it is in toggle state. You might want to later set this to momentary state if you want tighter control on your LED state and have Bome MIDI translator manage the LED’s
Disabled all of your translators 1.30 through 1.35
Added translators 1.36 through 1.43
1.36 and 1.37 handles mapping for all Number buttons
1.38 and 1.39 handles mapping for A|B buttons
1.40 and 1.41 handles mapping for Solo buttons
1.42 and 1.43 handls mapping for Record Arm buttons
I convert all of these from there respective channels and notes number to put out Notes on Channel 2 only. You will need to set GMA2 to recognize Channel 2 notes for these. I did this so that the notes would not conflict with any other APC40-MK2 buttons.
Number buttons for each track 1-8 are as follows – 0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28 – Notes
A|B buttons for each track 1-8 are as follows – 1,5,13,17,21,25,29 – Notes
Solo buttons for each track 1-8 are as follows – 2,6,14,18,22,26,30 – Notes
Rec-Arm buttons for each track 1-8 are as follows – 3,6,15,19,23,27,31 – Notes
All on MIDI CH2
You can look at the rules to see how I calculated the mappings (incoming CH# and note number to outgoing note number)
This should be enough to get you started on doing you own mappings for other things. I put comments in front of every rule
Oh, also I created aliases for GMA2 to poiny Bome MIDI Translator 1 and adjusted the default routing accordingly. I also defined the routing within APC40 MK2 Preset
Input APC40 mkii
Output GMA2