Kites Pongan
2019-03-18 01:46:03
Greetings! So when I tried to modify Steve's BMT SHIFT Layer project I ran into a few issues with my Faderport V2 controller, as well as some inquiries.
Firstly, here is a link to the Fadeport V2 and specs (incase the updated 2018 model has been mentioned in the forums compared to the classic).
When It’s SHIFT button is toggled, four buttons (Master, Click, Section, Marker) are user mappable which I've mapped with BMT. At first I was hoping I'd be able to map the Faderport's SHIFT button itself to appropriately match this SHIFT Layer project, but BMT or MIDI MONITOR does not log it's actions. Is this a MCU protocol that we can’t access?
With the SHIFT button dissengaged, I’m able to map the Section button (on top of user layer) with the BMT SHIFT Layer Project, but since the Section button is acting like a momentary button it can’t toggle a preset. I’ve had little success with Momentary to Toggle button project that was uploaded to the forum, but I’m not certain if it’s been applied properly - the Section button’s LED does not stay lit. Do we need to implement SysEx LED code for this? If so it’s SysEX chart is listed in their manual.
That being said, if I can get the Section button (or other suggested button) to toggle, I’m sure it can act more appropriately as a preset SHIFT Switch. But, this also leads me to inquire on how to layer multiple presets/translations in one project. Should the Momentary to Toggle preset sit inside the SHIFT preset along with it’s translators or is it best to separate presets within the project as is. I’m assuming that there is a hiearchy to the preset order? What confuses me is when and where to add MIDI/Input/Output connections. Does each preset include the same MIDI routings, or can each translator have separate routings as well. I've attatched my project.
Thanks for your help!
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-03-18 02:27:02
Most likely you cannot send “Shift” when in certain modes. I would recommend you experiment with the various modes until you find a mode where “Shift” actually sends a MIDI message. I would start with “FaderPort Multichannel Controller MIDI Protocol”.
Once you are in a mode that every button sends a MIDI message, you can begin programming them with Bome MIDI Translator. I suspect in some modes the “Shift” performs an internal controller function instead of sending a MIDI message.
Now as far as changing momentary to toggle, this can be done with Bome MIDI translator using a global variable to toggle between states.
Incoming Note On Note 60 MIDI CH 1 set Note to pp
//Toggle state of ga
// It appears the the MIDI channel out sets the color of the LED so if we want Red, we set note on MIDI CH1, green is note on MIDI CH2 and Blue is note on MIDI CH3
// For red we would do 91 pp 7F 92 pp 00 93 pp 00
// for white it would be 91 pp 7f 92 pp 7f 93 pp 7f
if ga==1 the qq=0x7f
Outgoing: Raw MIDI 91 pp qq 92 pp qq 93 pp qq to faderport
Kites Pongan
2019-03-18 03:08:33
Thanks for the response! If I set the Faderport to Multichannel Controller MIDI Protocol, would I still be able to have MCU with the motorized fader? Currently, I’m using it in the MCU Ableton Live mode and asside from a few buttons lost, it’s mapped well.
Are you saying If I’d enter it in Multichannel mode I could have acess to all the buttons, even the buttons that are lost in MCU Live mode?
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-03-18 03:25:05
We might have to write something in MT Pro to still make it look like MCU to Ableton Live.
Probably best to see what the fader sends while in this mode. Also see if it send something different if you use channel up (Next) or channel down (Previous).
It actually might be better to put it in MCU mode and see if shift sends anything. It might be easier to program things that way. The key is to experiment to see what can give you maximum flexibility and determine what MIDI messages you want to intercept and control with MT pro vs pass on untouched to Ableton Live.
At this point, I thought you were trying to figure out how to send a “shift” message to Bome MT Pro.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-03-18 04:53:57
If you can’t get shift to work for you, we could use any button “unused by the DAW” that actually sends MIDI.
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-03-18 12:21:25
I thought maybe this will help you with your shift management. The first preset handles shift momentary with note E4 which is similar to what you already saw.
When you press E4, it enables “Shift In” preset and disables “Shift Out” preset. When you release E4, it enables “Shift Out” preset and disables “Shift In” preset.
The “Shift Management Toggle” is a bit different. The first translator toggles the global variable ga. Then the 4 translators look at the value of ga. If ga==1 then “Shift In” is enabled and “Shift Out” is disabled. If ga==0 then “Shift Out” is enabled and “Shift In” is disabled.
In this fashion, you can use C4 to toggle in an out of shift modes each time you press C4.
Of course you can change the incoming triggers to a different note or MIDI message if you wish. For shift toggle, all 4 incoming messages should be the same. Again only the first translator in the series toggles the global variable.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-03-18 13:51:46
Another though if your Faderport doesn’t do anything with it’s shift key. You could instead use your computer shift key to enable the shift layer instead.
Kites Pongan
2019-03-19 11:09:43
Ah, that sounds good. I’ll have a look at the new Shif Managment bmtp. Thanks
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-03-19 15:07:14
OK, if you need further help since I currently do not have a FaderPort, any messages it sends and receives you will have to let me know as the documentation is a bit lacking.
Generally when I get a new controller, I go through an exercise to push every button and twist every knob and move every fader with logging on. I then refer to this information for programming. Sometimes buttons and knobs etc interact with one another and I try and capture that too. For instance pushing a button might change the message the fader sends.