1Please help basic settings needed/ Behringer BCR2000 / CaptureOne / endless inifinite rotation knob


2019-04-06 19:23:20

Please help, basic settings needed / Behringer BCR2000 to use in CaptureOne

Hi everyone, I'm quite new to this kind of stuff. Sorry, if this is not the right place to post something like this. :)

For hours I try to find informations that I can understand (just new to this), to just do the basic stuff that I need to setup my BCR2000 controller for CaptureOne.

I figured out how to setup a simple push button. But I can't find a solution for a simple endless rotation knob. I came so far that I managed to get the knob constantly do a negative value in the software when I turn it all to the left, to 0 / zero and to constantly putting out positive vaules when I turn the knob all to the right, to 127. But in between 1 - 126 it's doing nothing.

I just need the very simple stuff: turning a push button on and off by pressing it once (maybe as a bonus how to keep a button pressed to get a constant signal to the software) and getting a simple slider to work controlled via an endless rotation knob, turning to the right positive value, turning to the left negative value, instantly without delay.

And maybe, just maybe, how to set a second or third layer, you can have up to 4 layers on the bcr2000. I just have to understand what to do, than I can do it myself, but I just can't find a tutorial or something like this, just for the basic simple stuff.

I simply need that for a midi controller to control CaptureOne.

I found something for an Arturia controller, but it has not the right programming. And by looking into that arturia configuration file, I couldn't figure out much.

For example I like to control the Color Balance  Wheels in  CaptureOne via endles knobs, I know that it is possible in loupedeck.

I'm using the CaptureOne shortcut key setting from loupedeck that came with the loupdeck software installation (they coverd nearly everything, so it's very convenient to use them.

You can install and use them even without having a physical loupedeck).

But loupedeck+ is extremly loud (especially the color wheels, it's really not a zen-like editing experience) and not really handy and not customizable enough (at the moment?) and not precice enough, so this is not a solution for me, and it's also very expensive for what is offered in the end.

So I bought the bome midi translator.

Hope someone can help a little or sent a link to a tutorial or source that helps.

Many many thanks and all the best,


Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2019-04-06 19:57:15


Endless Encoder question: What does the knob put out when you turn it left? What about when you turn it right? BCR2000 can be programmed for different ways of doing it. I think they have a program called BC Control, (something like that) so you can re-program your controller. We can still change things in MT Pro if you would like but why not take advantage of the BCR2000 native features first.

On output, are you looking to two physically move a knob in capture one or send a pair of keystrokes. If keystrokes what is left keystroke and what is right keystroke?

There are actually three questions here and I will help. Maybe for other user’s benefit of finding later, we focus on the knob. Could you create a new thread for button push and yet a third for layer switch? Put the keywords in each so people can find them later.

Right now waiting for your answer on the knob and will be looking for answers for the other two questions for you.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2019-04-06 20:37:41

Look at the attached.

First Preset handles housekeeping stuff. When either project is opened or you hit computer ESC key, All global variables will be set to a pre-defined state. In this case the values really don’t matter since by default they are all 0 at project startup anyway. However I use this method to document the global variables I’m using and what they are used for.

I use ga for the absolute value of the encoder (assuming it is sending increment and decrement values only). Right now it is just outputting an absolute MIDI value but you could also use it to send different computer keystrokes or other things

I use gb for the toggle state of a button. You push the button once an gb becomes 1, you push it again it becomes 0.  I use gb=gb^1 which is an exclusive or bitwise function which loosely means the below


if rr==0 then gb=1

if rr==1 then gb=0

Note the use of the temporary variable while changing gb.

The third value gc is used to determine which layer to set.

When you push the button, we set a timer “layer switch”

There are two “layer switch” translator. The translators decide whether to execute itself by looking at the value of gb. Then the outgoing action is to enable that layer (preset) disabling all other (except those marked as always active). In some cases you might want to not disable all other layers in which case you might instead use a pair (or more) translators each translator disabling or enabling a given preset.

I hope this helps!

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist




Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2019-04-06 20:58:27

Here is a tutorial on turning a relative encoder input to absolute on output

Relative to Absolute

Here is a tutorial using a shift layer using presets

Shift Layer Presets

This one is good on both timers and LED feedback

Repeat Timer

This one helps with MIDI to Keystroke

MIDI to Keystroke


There are many more out there, each one with it’s own focus. Most of them are under 5 minutes.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist



2019-04-06 22:46:25


Many thanks for that quick reply!
I’ll have a look at it 🙂


2019-04-06 22:50:38


Thank you, also for the Example-Actions, great! I’ll check that out!


2019-04-06 23:15:09


Another Chapter that wants to be understood:
“BC Manager is an advanced utility for working with Behringer’s BCF2000 and BCR2000 MIDI Controllers.”
Can be downloaded here: https://mountainutilities.eu/bcmanager

Ok, let’s focus on the knob first.

I’ll take a screenshot of the CaptureOne Tool I was talking about and put the shortcuts / keystrokes in. Maybe that’ll make it clearer. After that I’ll create the extra threads. Thanks!


2019-04-07 00:02:16

Here are three Screenshot, with 3 Examples of Sliders in CaptureOne, plus their (here, Loupedeck_beta) Shortcuts/Keystrokes (or you can have your own shortcuts):

  1. Highlights Recovery Slider, starts at the far left/0 ends at the far right/100
  2. Contrast Slider, starts in the middle/0 and ends at the far left/-50 or at the far right/+50
  3. HUE Slider of the Shadows of the ColorBalance Tool, no clear visible Values, goes around 360°, up or down – this slider works in Combination with the Saturation Slider

These Sliders should be cotrollable via an endles rotation knob in both directions. It’s always one Value up or down, each with a different/unique shortcut/keystroke.


1 CaptureOne_Example_Highlight-recovery.PNG
2 CaptureOne_Example_Contrast_plus-and-minus.PNG
3 CaptureOne_Example_ColorBalance-HUE.PNG


2019-04-07 00:11:06


So the Output in CaptureOne is allways a keystroke. I think I would only work with the bome-Translator. The BC Manger would be too much, as I said BC Manager a very special Chapter of its own. By the way, the BCR2000 I’m using is in its default mode, no Configurations or Changes (that could be done with the BC Manager).

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2019-04-07 02:07:50


What MIDI Message is your knob sending when you turn right/left?
Look at Behringers B-Control instead of Mountain Utilities BC Manager.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2019-04-07 02:27:17


Save yourself some headaches and use Behringer B-Control to make the faders increment/decrement encoders. You should only have to do this once. Here is a link to the programming guide http://downloads.music-group.com/software/behringer/BCR2000/B-CONTROL_Programming_ENG.pdf I think this is the link to the Software. https://www.musictribe.com/licencePopup?mediaCode=P0245_MGMEDIA_B-Control%20Edit%20v0.2%20beta%203&url=//downloads.music-group.com/software/behringer/B-Control_download/BC-Edit_02beta3.zip Actually the above might not be the right software but the point is try and get your encoders to put out -127 for left and 1 for right or (63) 0x3F for left and (65) 0x41 for right. If you do this your job will be a lot easier when you get to Bome MT. If not, it is possible no more output will happen after you reach 127 (right) and 0 (left) for an absolute encoder.


2019-04-07 15:06:55


OK, that sounds very promising! 🙂
Now I got Behringer B-Control open ad try my best.
For those who don’t know how to start this programm: You need Java to be installed, after that: 1. unpack the BC-Edit_02beat3 folder 2. open (from inside the unpacked folder) the bcedit folder with Java.


2019-04-07 15:13:19


Midi-Message: If you mean the value (sorry I’m really new to this, hope thats what you mean?), than ist is to the left 0 , and to the right 127. I’ll check that again. B-Control looks more intuitive / familiar for me than BC Manager, beause of its grafical ui layout, thank you!


2019-04-07 15:19:57


OK, I have to figure out how this works exactly. When trying to save on the bcr2000 from the B-Control Editor ist gives me an Error \”Timeout Error while sending: \”$revR1\” we are currently working on \”$revR1\”. Maybe my fault somehow? I set the controller in the right mode like it is described in the manual, that you can download above. Maybe th BC manger is a better Option? I’ll try everything and figure it out.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2019-04-07 18:54:38

Your main objective is to get your knobs into a mode that they continue to always send messages as long as you turn them.  I’m attaching the description of how you can configure them from the user manual.

Pick Either Relative 1 or Relative 2. We can work with either of these.

In relative 1 you will get a stream of values of 127 if you start turn the knob to the left and as long as you keep turning left. When you start turning the knob to the right, you will get a value of 1 as long as you keep turning. When you stop turning, you will get nothing more out.

Relative 2 is similar except the left value is 63 and the right value is 65.


Maybe you can configure it without any software. I don’t have one and hence have not read the full manual.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist


Screen Shot 2019-04-07 at 9.47.47 AM.png


2019-04-07 21:30:16


Yes, thats right! 🙂 \”knobs into a mode that they continue to always send messages as long as you turn them\” At the moment I get an Error message, if I want to save the changed Settings via B-Control. I left a Comment about the Error below. Maybe I’ll try BC Manager if I can’t get anywhere with B-Control. I’ll be back…

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2019-04-07 21:33:32


According to the manual, you can edit these controls directly on the device by going to “edit mode”. Take a look at the manual and give it a try. I think it was around page 16 or 17. I posted a link to the manual.


2019-04-07 22:12:01


So, I can’t figure out what that Error Message with B-Control is or what is causing it. Now I opened BC-Manager, studied a little bit the Manual, and… BC-Manager is the better choice so far!


2019-04-07 22:13:18


So, I can’t figure out what that Error Message with B-Control is or what is causing it. Now I opened BC-Manager, studied a little bit the Manual, and… BC-Manager is the better choice so far!

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2019-04-08 01:21:07


I’ve really had no experience with either B-Control or BC-Manager. I think you might be able to set the encoders by using the edit feature of the BCR2000 itself. Sorry for the misguided recommendation to use a piece of software if you can do it on your hardware itself. I posted a link to the manual that seems to show how to do it. Did you see the link?


2019-04-08 01:30:43

Thank you Steve! Finally It’s resolved!!! 🙂

Trying to configure the BCR2000 by software (B-Control / BC Manager) was quite a challange. Because via the software, was not possible for me to save a preset or save a modified version of the standard preset in the BCR2000. B-Control froze after trying to save a change directly in the hardware, via the B-control Software after an Error Message popped up. And BC Manger was able to  load/recieve the BCR2000 settings and sent them back to the hardware, after they were changed to my taste, but the hardware kept jumping back to it’s original state (if someone knows a solution, my controller seems to be looked for changes via an external software). Maybe after sending back the new prest you have to push the \"Store\" Button on the device two times to finally safe the changes?  With BC Manager alone I was not able to get the preset into the device permanently (Maybe I did something wrong? I cant figure out what exactly.)

The only real thing, the only way that worked, was the direct modification on / in the hardware itself, by using the hardware buttons, like it is written in the BCR2000 user manual, on page 15! Many thanks Steve for that Idea!!! 🙂

You do the following (directly on the BCR2000 / from the internal preset bank I choose  preset No 1 for the modfication):

  1. press and hold the “EDIT” button and at the same time
  2. turn the knob that you want the settings to be changed, then release both again (the button and the knob), in the display you see now the number of the knob, now
  3. turn the”MODE” knob in the upper knob-row until you see “rel 1” displayed
  4. press the “EDIT” button again to exit the edit menue, then
  5. press the “STORE” button once, now it blinks
  6. press the “STORE” button again, now the change is saved forever in the machine

Now when you turn the knob it only delivers a value of 0 or 127 , nothing else in between, although variable other values are shown in the display!

Than you go to the bome software and assing the relevant knobs for the CaptureOne tools. I use the loupedeck custom keystroke settings, because they covered all the sliders very well, so you dont have to do it yourself.  Install loupedeck software (even without actual hardware possible), than change inside CaptureOne the shortcut/keystroke preset to the \"loupedeck beta\".

  1. Select your relevant midi controler from the list, after pressing the midi symbol in the upper right corner
  2. press “Add Translator” in the middle window and give it a plausible name
  3. check the “Capture MIDI” Box in the right “Incoming” window
  4. turn the knob into the wanted direction, to the right for increase the value (it shows 1), to the left for decreasing it (it shows 127)
  5. click on last shown incoming midi-message-line (or) your preferred value
  6. jump directly to the “Outgoing” tab and choose “Key Stroke”
  7. click in the blank fiel und type the key stroke for the needed tool  (for example for the CaptureOne Color Balance Tool “Shadows – HUE increase”: Strg (Cmd)+Alt+Shift+1)
  8. follow step 4. to 7. again for the opposite direction

Your done! As simple as that.

If you want to reset the default factory settings of the BCR2000, download the preset-pack from the Behringer Homepage (here for the BCR2000):


Settings -> “Factory Settings” and put them into the BCR2000 with the bome “Send SX” software. All your previous settings inside the BCR2000 memory will be overwritten / deleted (as far as I know).

This is how it worked for me. If someone finds something that is wrong or incorrect or knows a better/ improved way, or  has something else to add, please feel free and welcomed! 🙂

Many thanks again Steve for that excellent help, advice and support!!!



Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2019-04-08 01:46:14


So glad you got it working! Thanks, also for following up with the solution. I ‘m sorry I steered you toward the software. Others seem to use it and like it but not being a BCR2000 owner hence not reading through the manual, I was not aware that it could be configures right on the console itself.

We are always learning new things every day.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist


2019-04-08 10:53:37


Yeah, you were right! You can change the settings without any additional software at all. Many thanks for that advice and the link to the manual! That works perfectly!


2019-04-08 11:41:02


Yeah I got the link, many thnaks! You’re right! Editing the Knobs on the device itself works perfectly! No need for software at all. Many thanks! 🙂

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2019-04-09 02:19:53


Hi, could you please mark this as resolved if it is now working for you?