2019-04-06 19:23:20
Please help, basic settings needed / Behringer BCR2000 to use in CaptureOne
Hi everyone, I'm quite new to this kind of stuff. Sorry, if this is not the right place to post something like this. :)
For hours I try to find informations that I can understand (just new to this), to just do the basic stuff that I need to setup my BCR2000 controller for CaptureOne.
I figured out how to setup a simple push button. But I can't find a solution for a simple endless rotation knob. I came so far that I managed to get the knob constantly do a negative value in the software when I turn it all to the left, to 0 / zero and to constantly putting out positive vaules when I turn the knob all to the right, to 127. But in between 1 - 126 it's doing nothing.
I just need the very simple stuff: turning a push button on and off by pressing it once (maybe as a bonus how to keep a button pressed to get a constant signal to the software) and getting a simple slider to work controlled via an endless rotation knob, turning to the right positive value, turning to the left negative value, instantly without delay.
And maybe, just maybe, how to set a second or third layer, you can have up to 4 layers on the bcr2000. I just have to understand what to do, than I can do it myself, but I just can't find a tutorial or something like this, just for the basic simple stuff.
I simply need that for a midi controller to control CaptureOne.
I found something for an Arturia controller, but it has not the right programming. And by looking into that arturia configuration file, I couldn't figure out much.
For example I like to control the Color Balance Wheels in CaptureOne via endles knobs, I know that it is possible in loupedeck.
I'm using the CaptureOne shortcut key setting from loupedeck that came with the loupdeck software installation (they coverd nearly everything, so it's very convenient to use them.
You can install and use them even without having a physical loupedeck).
But loupedeck+ is extremly loud (especially the color wheels, it's really not a zen-like editing experience) and not really handy and not customizable enough (at the moment?) and not precice enough, so this is not a solution for me, and it's also very expensive for what is offered in the end.
So I bought the bome midi translator.
Hope someone can help a little or sent a link to a tutorial or source that helps.
Many many thanks and all the best,