2019-05-24 17:19:38
I'm trying to control the LED status of my LPD8.The LPD8 pads are working as toggles and i tried with CC and NoteOn/Off. I'm able to switch off one LED when another one is activated. For example when PAD1 (Note 36) is activated i send a NoteOff to note 36 when PAD2 (Note 38) is getting activated. The LED turns off. However if i switch PAD1 on again it sends a NoteOff message and the LED stays off. Only at the second press it sends it's NoteOn message and the LED turns on. I'd like it to send a NoteOn message at the first press. Can you help me?
best Tobi
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-05-24 17:28:05
Could you post your project file? I will have a look to see what is going wrong.
You will need to post it as an answer as this board does no allow attachments in comments.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
2019-05-24 17:42:13
it’s in the preset (2) called “activate/deactivate – translators 17-19
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-05-24 18:41:35
Hi, I’m struggling a bit with the logic on your project file. It looks like you are sending CC messages and not Note-On, or Note-Off messages.
For example if you move CC1, you send CC2 and CC3 at value 0.
If you move CC2, you send CC1 and CC3 at value 0
If you move CC3, you send CC1 and CC2 at value 0
No notes at all?
Also, if you LPD8 is set to toggle, you may in fact be able to turn LED on and off with notes (not familiar with LPD8), however the state of the button may not actually change, just the LED so for instance, if you push button and state goes to on, and then you send MIDI to turn off the LED, I’m not convinced you have turned button state to off. So on the first press of the button after turning LED off remotely you might be actually sending note-off again instead of note-on. If you want to trigger something on every press of button and you are in toggle state with that button, you will likely need to look for note-on or note-off from that button and convert both to Note-On at value 127 with MT Pro so that every press of a button is recognized.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-05-24 22:04:00
The attached is an example of LED control on LPD8 if you have the buttons set to toggle.
Any note-on or note-off will trigger an incoming message and toggle the value of ga.
In response a note-on message is sent back to the LPD8 with value of 0 or 127 to light the LED. You can change the velocity values if it handles LED color depends on velocity.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist