2019-09-10 00:26:41
Sorry, this isn't a Q&A type question - more like a request in case anyone feels like brainstorming.
Have a situation where I create 'masks' for different sequencer tracks On/Off status using bitmapping. Most I have a time is 16 bits for each mask. There's a finite number of masks.
Currently my process is to use a little cheat sheet with columns to determine each tracks masks, and then I enter those values into the Initialisation Translator in MTPro, then upload that to the BomeBox and go.
Well, I'm thinking I want a little less computer and figure if I have a fresh bottle of Xanax in the cabinet I can try something completely insane:
Armed with ONLY a BomeBox and a Sequencer, neither of which will Read/Process SysEx, create a scenario that:
- While the BomeBox is on, Global Variables are created/stored
- Call up a 'store' routine, put the Sequencer in [Record], and the BomeBox will send out a series of MIDI Messages that can be 'recorded' into a control track on the Sequencer
- After session, everything is shut down
- Upon powering back up, the Sequencer is started up, the Control Track selected, and the Sequencer then sends those values back to the Box which are then stored in the Global Variables
This way, it's sort of like not having the computer there at all...? So basically the Global Variables Initialisation routine will be calc'd off values that are stored in a MIDI Sequence (NOT SysEx, but embedded in perhaps CC values). Note: I already used Shifted States with my controllers, that is, a certain combination of buttons switches the Bome Presets from a Read mode to a Write mode already. I figure it's just a matter of one more 'state'. Thoughts? Crazy? Really: should I just write something custom for an Arduino/rPi? LOL