2019-09-30 23:23:16
Hi there! :)
I am using Bome Translator Pro to sequence a series of mouse moves, clicks and wheels to enhance my workflow with Ableton (mostly menu navigation triggered with a midi cc from Maschine). To make it work, I use delay to do a proper sequence. For instance, I'll do a Mouse Left Click, then a Mouse Wheel with a 100 milliseconds delay, ect.. So far so good.. it worked for the last year and half.
But since this week (30 sept 2019), the delays are sometime late, like around 7-8 seconds later regardless of the delays I entered in Bome. Worst, sometime it works... but after a few seconds the delays are off again. I thought it had something to do with the window out of focus or such... but no.
I did a search and found out that an other guy had the same kind of bug. https://www.bomeloft.com/support/kb/unwanted-delay-in-sending-midi-message
So... for now, my workflow is completely destroyed... :-( I tried to find the culprit.. but I am clueless.
I did:
- disconnect all USB port, midi key ect..
- created a empty Bome project with 2 command: a mouse move, then an other move mouse after a 400ms delay
- Turned off Error logs in Bome
- Deactivated all of Midi Input in Bome, except Maschine (need at least one midi input)
- Open Ableton, deactivated EVERY midi input
- tried the command.... nada. Bug. the second mouse move happens 8-10 seconds later.
So... any clue?
I am on a Mac by the way, with Mojave 10.14.6