2019-10-12 16:50:49
first of all wanted to thank you, for create this amazing Forum. I could learn so much Things from you guys. But in one thing I have a big Problem yet,
I have programmed a "MIDImix" with Channel Changes. My "Rec arm" Notes are Channels. If I touch "Rec arm 1" get Channel "1" "Rec arm 2" get Channel "2" and so on (till now without lights going on, but this is another Problem ^^)
Now my question, is there a way to make channel 2 remember the Position of the value (where I turned the knob to) as I switch to another channel? And then only react to the knob when I reach the value it had before I switched the channel.
Example: Channel "1" knob is on "Value 20" Channel "2" same knob is on "Value 100" If I Change the Channel "1" to Channel "2" the knob goes automaticly to "Value 20" when I touch it. But wanted the reaction first on reaching "Value 100" and than go up or down to another Value. The same on Channel "1" if I had the last Value "20" but coming from Channel "2" from the "Value 100" my Knob goes after touch it directly to "Value 100"
Hope you can understand what I mean ^^