2019-10-15 19:45:34
Hi Steve,
I'd like to create a single button in Touchable that sends out two different actions to Ableton Live. The first is a Note on/off to turn a device on and off. And the second is to translate that same Note on/off into a midi cc that selects a specific position on a rotary dial in a different device.
Attached is the .bmtp file.
The first translator "iRack Power" sees the note on "4 - Channel 5", and if the note value < 13 it exits rules and skips outgoing action. And that works -- it turns the power for the device on/off.
The second translator ""iRack Select" sees the same note on "4 - Channel 5", correctly translates the note into a control message that it sends out on "9 - Channel 10", and correctly selects a specific position on a rotary dial in a different device.
If I turn on both translators at the same time, the first translator "iRack Power" stops working and no longer turns the power for the device on/off.
So each translator works independently (when the other translator is off), but not together.
Can you help me understand why this isn't working?