Ableton Live Getting Note, not CC


2019-10-25 23:56:57


In the attached translator called "Picker Select", I am trying to translate a midi note sent by touchable, into a controller value and # to send to an Ableton Live Chain Selector (Rotary Knob).


MTP is getting the correct data:

1: MIDI IN [touchAble]: 94 00 7F 2: IN 0.0 Note On on ch. 5 with any note set 'pp' to note=0 with any velocity and 'qq' to velocity=127 3: RULE 0.0:2 condition satisfied: if pp==0 then rr=35 4: RULE 0.0:2 assignment: (if pp==0 then rr=35) = 35 5: RULE 0.0:17 condition satisfied: if pp==0 then qq=1 6: RULE 0.0:17 assignment: (if pp==0 then qq=1) = 1 7: RULE 0.0:28 condition satisfied: if pp<13 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action 8: IN 0.1 Note On on ch. 5 with any note set 'uu' to note=0 with any velocity and 'vv' to velocity=127 9: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 2 Virtual Out]: 94 00 7F 10: OUT 0.1 Note On on ch. 5 with note:uu=0 and velocity:vv=127 11: MIDI IN [touchAble]: 94 00 00 12: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 2 Virtual Out]: 94 00 00


However, Ableton Live is getting a Note # (see attached screen shot).  Any idea re what is going on?

Many thanks!



RML Bome Script v5.bmtp
Screen Shot 2019-10-25 at 2.55.34 PM.png


2019-10-26 00:51:07

Re created and reassigned buttons and values in Touchable; wrote a new translator on a new channel.  Solved.  Thanks.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2019-10-26 01:09:35

Indeed, any time you use “Exit rules, skip outgoing action”, if you have a default through port set, then the original messages passes right through to the output. If you don’t want this behavior your choices are:

  1. Create another translator wit swallow set and output action of none.
  2. Remove the MIDI through path

The swallow only occurs if the output is none OR an output action completes.

For that reason, I generally do not like to have MIDI thru paths and like to control everything with translators (no surprises that way).


Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist