2019-10-25 23:56:57
In the attached translator called "Picker Select", I am trying to translate a midi note sent by touchable, into a controller value and # to send to an Ableton Live Chain Selector (Rotary Knob).
MTP is getting the correct data:
1: MIDI IN [touchAble]: 94 00 7F 2: IN 0.0 Note On on ch. 5 with any note set 'pp' to note=0 with any velocity and 'qq' to velocity=127 3: RULE 0.0:2 condition satisfied: if pp==0 then rr=35 4: RULE 0.0:2 assignment: (if pp==0 then rr=35) = 35 5: RULE 0.0:17 condition satisfied: if pp==0 then qq=1 6: RULE 0.0:17 assignment: (if pp==0 then qq=1) = 1 7: RULE 0.0:28 condition satisfied: if pp<13 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action 8: IN 0.1 Note On on ch. 5 with any note set 'uu' to note=0 with any velocity and 'vv' to velocity=127 9: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 2 Virtual Out]: 94 00 7F 10: OUT 0.1 Note On on ch. 5 with note:uu=0 and velocity:vv=127 11: MIDI IN [touchAble]: 94 00 00 12: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 2 Virtual Out]: 94 00 00
However, Ableton Live is getting a Note # (see attached screen shot). Any idea re what is going on?
Many thanks!