2019-11-19 15:54:00
I cannot for the life of me figure out why i cannot get bomes to record properly in FL studio. Midi triggering works perfectly.... the problem is it does not recognize it when recording for some reason.
see my screenshot video... sorry for no audio because its the trial version of the screencast software. in the video im hitting the Z button on my typing you can see midi triggering is working. it even works DURING recording, but for some reason it doesn't record the recorded info.
Anybody have any idea on how to fix this? I can provide any settings im using. I've tried a lot.
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-19 16:18:00
I can see that it appears not to be working but I have no idea what MIDI you are sending to start/stop recording. Can you post you Bome Project File and perhaps a log of the MIDI messages you are sending to FL Studio to start and stop the recording process?
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
2019-11-19 16:24:36
.......whoops, double post....
2019-11-19 16:25:00
thank you for the fast reply. here is the bomes file
to be clear… im not referring to start/stop midi functionality. i’m saying that fl studio will not record the midi notes information even though it recognizes the midi info when its recording and not recording. the midi information is never printed/recorded during/after the recording process.
im not sure how to get a midi log. let me know if you definitely need that and i will try to figure it out.
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-19 18:23:00
Looking at your project file, it appears you have not defined any MIDI output ports for your MIDI messages. Maybe that is the problem as if you have not defined output ports from MT Pro, how would FL Studio be able to recognize MIDI input?
2019-11-19 18:30:20
you mean on my midi settings in fl studio? yeah i noticed on the screencast video i didnt select bomes for the midi output…. trust me, i’ve tried ALL midi output settings available. Its the same when I select the correct outport ports.
Unless you have hard advice on settings i should try that i have not tried already.. I will try them, gladly.
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-19 18:44:24
Well I’m not an expert in FL Studio so if you are confirming you are getting MIDI information in FL studio from MT Pro but are note getting FL Studio to record it, then this is really a FL Studio question. In MT Pro, if you can turn on logging and check MIDI out while you are trying to record the MIDI, I could at least see whether MT Pro is sending MIDI and to which port. You could then show me how you have set up FL Studio for MIDI IN and I could confirm if you are listening to the correct MIDI port.
As far as FL Studio recording MIDI, I would think that the notes would get recording on a MIDI track in FL Studio and that MIDI track would then be forwarded to the appropriate instrument audio track for final audio rendering.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-19 19:06:28
Hi, I’ve included screen shots on how I think FL Studio should be set up as well as MT Pro. Make sure in FL Studio you set for the proper MIDI port BMT 1 with the proper MIDI performance channel (MIDI CH1).
In MT Pro set output to Bome MIDI Translator Virtual Port 1 (which maps to BMT 1 on FL Studio if shortnames are selected in MT Pro options.
I noticed in your project file, you have nothing that sends any note-off messages.
2019-11-19 19:24:59
what? nothing of those instructions changed the outcome, unfortunately.
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-19 19:27:47
I have yet to see an example of your outgoing log from MT Pro. Not much I can do from here until I see that.
I tested the record funtion on FL studio with these setting on my Windows PC and everything worked as expected (including no not-off messages coming through).
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-19 19:29:06
You can also see outgoing note messages in the log window of my second screen shot.
2019-11-20 09:11:53
then why does every midi controller work perfectly fine in fl studio? its only bomes midi translator that doesnt record.
2019-11-20 09:13:49
IN 0.0: Keystroke: Z
OUT 0.0: MIDI 90 24 7A
IN 0.0: Keystroke: Z
OUT 0.0: MIDI 90 24 7A
IN 0.0: Keystroke: Z
OUT 0.0: MIDI 90 24 7A
IN 0.0: Keystroke: Z
OUT 0.0: MIDI 90 24 7A
IN 0.0: Keystroke: Z
OUT 0.0: MIDI 90 24 7A
theres the log.
what is BMT1 controller? I don’t have that setting. Edit: nm mine says \”Bomes Midi Translator 1\”
you tested and recording works for you? this is so frustrating… why does it work but it won’t record? im trying everything on two different versions of FL even.
here’s another video:
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-20 15:07:22
Hi, thanks for this! At 0:33 of your video, I don’t see that you have checked a MIDI channel for Performance (on your version of FL it looks like it is called “Playlist Live”. Set it for MIDI channel 1. Maybe that is it?
2019-11-20 15:15:16
i just set it to channel 1… also tried to match your settings in fl studio 12. nothing has worked so far.
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-20 15:49:47
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-20 16:08:17
OK, I actually unset that and it still worked. Maybe you have some other MIDI application that is also trying to access that same MIDI port? Can you see MIDI coming in if you go to settings debug in FL Studio?
2019-11-20 16:15:07
not seeing anything for midi in debug. the weird thing is that when i plug in a usb midi controller, they record just fine. it will also record if use the typing keyboard setting on fl. i should\’ve showed that in the video. extremely frustrating.
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-20 16:21:45
I you are not seeing anything in on MIDI debug, then it is likely that some other application is already using the input port BMT 1 (Bome MIDI Translator Virtual One). Please ensure that there are no other MIDI enabled applications running besides MT Pro and FL Studio. Did you see the video I posted?
You are running on Windows platform, right?
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-20 16:29:19
Also, make sure that MT Pro is not in current focus when hitting keys on your computer keyboard, otherwise by default they will be suppressed by MT Pro.
2019-11-20 16:32:26
there are no other applications running so not sure whats going on. i just watched the video you posted and am even more frustrated now that i see its working for you.
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-20 17:25:01
If you are on a Mac, go to security preferences and then add MT Pro to your accessibility settings.
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-20 17:33:41
Are you seeing incoming MIDI from MT Pro Virtual 1 port on any other MIDI enabled application?
2019-11-20 17:34:30
i dont have any other midi enabled apps running
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-20 17:49:23
What version of MT Pro are you using. Could you please download the latest version? It seems from your video that you have an older version of MT Pro. I’d like to make sure we are a known state.
2019-11-20 18:02:49
just downloaded the trial of the latest version and its doing the same thing… still wont record
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-20 19:34:07
Hi, lets try a few more things.
In the outgoing log instead of checking Incoming and Outgoing, also check the box labeled “MIDI OUT”.
Then repost the log file. From the log, it looks like output is happening but unclear to which port.
Also go to the CMD prompt and type
tasklist >out.txt
Then post the file named out.txt (which will probably be in your C:usersyourusername folder.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
2019-11-21 08:52:41
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-21 17:55:48
Thanks for this!. MIDI out looks fine.
The only suspect apps that might be talking to a MID port are:
Chrome – If you are going to a web site that uses web MIDI, it can take over your local MIDI ports.
The first order of business is to get FL Studio to see MIDI IN using the debugger. Maybe try another Bome virtual port until you see MIDI in from the debugger. Have you discussed this issue with the FL people. Clearly we are sending MIDI.
Are you seeing incoming MIDI from MT Pro Virtual 1 port on any other MIDI enabled application?
2019-11-22 08:08:50
frustrating. im not going to any websites that use midi. i dont know why midi isn’t showing in debugger.
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-22 08:48:43
Well here are the anomolies I see.
On your input list in FL Studio, most ports have a number before them but Bome’s MIDI Translator Virtual Port 1 does not. This looks odd to me. Try using Virtual Port 2 which has a number. (Set it to Virtual Port 2 in MT Pro as well.
Try turning off (unchecking) auto accept detected controller in FL Studio. If you do this and then uncheck then recheck enable on the controller, you might be preseted with a popup that asks for the MIDI channel and port number. This might fix the problem that I see on the next point below.
I find it odd that your input device doesn’t have a port number assignment box on in FL Studio and mine does. Can you expand the dialog box so it shows a port number? If so, make sure you have one created. Maybe you have a different version I have. Or maybe the step above will fix this.
Make sure Bome MIDI Translator is started before FL Studio. According to their web site, it only scans for devices when starting.
Here is a link to things I checked in FL Studio. I’m pretty sure the issue is somewhere there so you might want to check their support.
You can confirm that MT Pro is sending MIDI by trying to output to a different MIDI enabled application.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-11-22 16:36:12
Please do all further testing on your new trial version of MT Pro until we get it working. The old version you have may have issues as I noticed the virtual port names are not currently what MT Pro supports. Try using short names for virtual port names which can be found in View->settings in Bome MIDI Translator.