2019-11-21 14:00:44
Hello there,
I would like to know if it is possible to create a preset to play my machinedrum as a polyphonic synth ?
Machinedrum has 16 tracks which are distributed over 4 midi channels.
Each track/machine is trigged from one choosen note over the selected midi channel (track 9 10 11 12 channel 3, tracks 13 14 15 16 channel 4)
I set my machinedrum to respond to channels 3 and 4, using the tracks 9 to 16 as a poly synth. (I allready can play those tracks translating keys to CC and trigging each track/machine with all notes but I want now to rotate the messages to play polyphony)
So : I parameter Tracks 9 10 11 12 (channel 3) to be trigged from notes C1 C#1 D1 D#1
And Tracks 13 14 15 16 (midi channel 4) to be trigged from notes E1 F1 F#1 G1
That's all the way machinedrum is working.
Track 9 10 11 12 pitch are responding respectively to CC to CC16 CC40 CC72 CC96 on Chan3
Track 13 14 15 16 pitch are responding respectively to CC to CC16 CC40 CC72 CC96 on Chan4
I allready used play Machinedrum as a synth but not polyphonic : to do this I created some preset in Bome Midi translator saying for example that "each note playing on Channel 3 will trig note C1, then I made in the same preset some preset saying that (for example Note C3 will trigger the Pitch#CC Corresponding to the note played) Then Any note played on Channel 3 is playing the Pitch-#CC value corresponding the key I press + Trig the note C1 which is triggin the Track.
The thing I want now to do is to use the Machinedrum as a polysynth.
So I should add some preset saying that if I play a chord, The target tracks have to rotate.
If I play M7(9) chord I want a trig rotating C1 C#1 D1 D#1 (tracks 9 10 11 12 channel 3)respective CCPitch and E1 F1 F#1 G1 (tracks 13 14 15 16 on channel4) + respective CCPitch
as If I trig from channel 4 I want the same thing.
Maybe you understand ? Can you help me setting this, I can write the CC correspondance Note to CC because I need to use my tuning table with each CC value corresponding to the key pressed, but can you please create me a rotation preset between my two chosen channels (3,4) and notes C1 to G1 ?
I parameter Tracks 9 10 11 12 (channel 3) to be trigged from notes C1 C#1 D1 D#1
And Tracks 13 14 15 16 (midi channel 4) to be trigged from notes E1 F1 F#1 G1
Will really pleased to talk with you.
Hope you won't have an headache.
Thank you and congratulations for reading.
See you.