2019-12-18 21:40:05
I've managed to translate the HUI coming from the Behringer to a simple CC my lighting program understands thanks to previous posts and your advice to send the RAW midi message:
B0 00 pp B0 20 pp
So I'm able to control whatever midi assignments in the program with the Behringer. Thanks for that!
What I didn't manage properly yet is the way back: the program controlling the Behringer faders.
The way it kind of works is having a second translator for the returning signal from d::light which i sent through IAC 1 (to avoid midi loop). I captured the outgoing midi signal with the MIDI-monitor app and outputed again with RAW midi message B0 00 pp B0 20 pp to the x-touch.
This actually works, i can then control the Behringer faders out of d::light... BUT in this setup the other way around doesn't work anymore... the Behringer then sends incoherent midi to d::light. After deleting the second 'return-translator' it works fine again.
I guess I'm too ignorant for understanding the complexity of HUI or Bome...
Any idea how I could approach the problem?
Thanks a million
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2019-12-18 21:56:13
It appears you have all input ports going to all output ports in many cases. You know you can override the default ports and the preset level and at the translator level. Preset defaults override project defaults, translator defaults override everything.
I suggest you separate your translators into different presets by the input devices you want to control to override the project defaults. This is usually the preferred method as there will later be less presets to change if you make modification as there are less presets than translators.
So you set up a preset that you override defaults as From Behringer to Application. These will be the HUI to CC messages. Put all supporting translators for this path under that preset.
Then another preset to override defaults as From Application to Behringer. These will be the CC to HUI messages. Put all supporting translators for this path under that preset. That way, you target your messages by input and output device instead of receiving all messages from everything and sending all message so everything.
This tutorial should guide you further.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
2019-12-18 22:20:00
Brilliant! That’s it! Thanks for the quick reply!