Creating 'When one CC is incoming, all other CC's values scales down to 0


2019-12-23 12:58:51

Hello all,

I want to write a Translator like -

When CC0's value is anywhere between 0-127, the values of CC1 to CC8 should come down to 0.
When CC1's value is anywhere between 0-127, the values of CC0 and CC2 to CC8 should come down to 0.
When CC2's value is anywhere between 0-127, the values of CC0, CC1 and CC3 to CC8 should come down to 0 and so on..

Basically from CC0 to CC8, if one of them is sending values, rest of the CC's values slam down to 0.

Kind of like restricting polyphony of notes.

I have been watching Bome's tutorial videos but just cant get the conditions right for value scaling.

Any guidance on how to get this working will be appreciated.

Thank you!

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2019-12-23 22:42:37


This can be done with two translators

The first one captures the CC number into variable ga, and value in variable gb.

In rules, we first look to make sure it is in range and only process if it is CC-0 through CC-8

We then fire off a timer 9 times (variable set in gc)

The timer iterates down from 8-0 and as it does compares the value of the iteration gc with that of the incoming CC ga.  If it is the same the value is sent (gb). Otherwise a value of 0 is sent.

Here is the project file attachment.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist


One-CC On only.bmtp