2020-01-26 17:03:03
Somehow I do not find actual infos about this :
1)Is it (in the meanwhile) possible to expand the 127 notes when using bome and dot2 on PC? Only find links to midiox (which I don't understand, and I like a lot of other functions in bome mt pro)
In dot2 on PC "midi input" I only can select one time 'bome midi translator" and not "bmt 1" and additionally "bmt 2", if this would be one part of the solution (or is there a workaround in dot2?)
2) How to change the outgoing notes when using two midi controllers so they don't have the same note numbers.
(I also have the same midi note at my "xtouch minis" fader and a button on this one device...)
3) are there tutorials to this problems? (my searches did not help, maybe wrong search words)
Thanks a lot in advance