3037945 - IN 5.13 On timer "cfx_disable" 3037945 - RULE 5.13 assignment: (xx=6) = 6 3037945 - RULE 5.13 assignment: (yy=jy) = 0 3037945 - RULE 5.13 assignment: (pp=0) = 0 3037945 - IN 5.14 On timer "cfx_disable" 3037945 - RULE 5.14 condition satisfied: if jx==0 then Goto "cfx_state_idle" 3037945 - RULE 5.14 assignment: (jx=1) = 1 3037945 - RULE 5.14 Goto "end" 3037945 - OUT 5.14 One-shot timer "cfx_enable": 300 ms delay 3037952 - IN 0.12 On timer "master_clock" 3037952 - RULE 0.12 expression: (hz=hz+1) = 49208 3037952 - IN 9.12 On timer "master_clock" 3037952 - RULE 9.12 assignment: (pp=0) = 0 3037952 - RULE 9.12 condition satisfied: if yo==1 then Goto "cur_playing" 3037952 - RULE 9.12 assignment: (oo=hy) = 10 3037952 - RULE 9.12 expression: (oo=oo/5) = 2 3037952 - RULE 9.12 expression: (y5=y5+oo) = 248 3037952 - RULE 9.12 expression: (y5=y5%360) = 248 3037952 - IN 14.12 On timer "master_clock" 3037952 - RULE 14.12 assignment: (pp=0) = 0 3037952 - OUT 9.12 One-shot timer "refresh_jog1": 0 ms delay 3037952 - RULE 14.12 condition satisfied: if yp==1 then Goto "cur_playing" 3037952 - RULE 14.12 assignment: (oo=hy) = 10 3037952 - RULE 14.12 expression: (oo=oo/5) = 2 3037952 - RULE 14.12 expression: (y6=y6+oo) = 348 3037952 - RULE 14.12 expression: (y6=y6%360) = 348 3037952 - IN 9.6 On timer "refresh_jog1" 3037952 - RULE 9.6 assignment: (oo=y5) = 248 3037952 - MIDI OUT [DDJ-1000]: B0 14 01 B0 34 78 3037952 - OUT 9.6 Control Change (14-bit) on ch. 1 with CC#:20 (0x14) and value:oo=248 3037952 - OUT 14.12 One-shot timer "refresh_jog2": 0 ms delay 3037952 - IN 14.6 On timer "refresh_jog2" 3037952 - RULE 14.6 assignment: (oo=y6) = 348 3037952 - MIDI OUT [DDJ-1000]: B1 14 02 B1 34 5C 3037952 - OUT 14.6 Control Change (14-bit) on ch. 2 with CC#:20 (0x14) and value:oo=348 3037961 - IN 16.58 On timer "calc2_b" 3037961 - RULE 16.58 assignment: (gp=0) = 0 3037961 - RULE 16.58 assignment: (hp=0) = 0 3037961 - RULE 16.58 assignment: (ht=0) = 0 3037961 - OUT 16.58 One-shot timer "calc2_c": 0 ms delay 3037961 - IN 16.59 On timer "calc2_c" 3037961 - RULE 16.59 expression: (j2=g2*i2) = 0 3037961 - RULE 16.59 expression: (j6=g6*1) = 100 3037961 - RULE 16.59 expression: (ss=j6/10) = 10 3037961 - RULE 16.59 expression: (oo=j2/ss) = 0 3037961 - RULE 16.59 assignment: (k2=oo) = 0 3037961 - RULE 16.59 assignment: (m2=j2) = 0 3037961 - RULE 16.59 expression: (m6=j6*100) = 10000 3037961 - RULE 16.59 expression: (m2=m2+m6) = 10000 3037961 - RULE 16.59 assignment: (m6=m6) = 10000 3037961 - RULE 16.59 expression: (m2=m2*h2) = 138000000 3037961 - RULE 16.59 expression: (m6=m6*h6) = 1000000 3037961 - RULE 16.59 expression: (ss=m6/10) = 100000 3037961 - RULE 16.59 expression: (oo=m2/ss) = 1380 3037961 - RULE 16.59 assignment: (k6=oo) = 1380 3037961 - RULE 16.59 assignment: (pp=jj) = 0 3037961 - RULE 16.59 expression: (xx=k2-5) = -5 3037961 - RULE 16.59 expression: (yy=k2+5) = 5 3037961 - RULE 16.59 Goto "same_tempo_value" 3037961 - RULE 16.59 assignment: (jt=0) = 0 3037961 - RULE 16.59 Goto "end" 3037961 - OUT 16.59 One-shot timer "calc2_d": 0 ms delay 3037961 - IN 16.61 On timer "calc2_d" 3037961 - RULE 16.61 Goto "send_actual" 3037961 - RULE 16.61 assignment: (oo=k6) = 1380 3037961 - RULE 16.61 Goto "end" 3037961 - MIDI OUT [DDJ-1000]: B1 15 0A B1 35 64 3037961 - OUT 16.61 Control Change (14-bit) on ch. 2 with CC#:21 (0x15) and value:oo=1380 3037961 - IN 16.62 On timer "calc2_d" 3037961 - RULE 16.62 Goto "send_actual" 3037961 - RULE 16.62 assignment: (oo=k2) = 0 3037961 - RULE 16.62 Goto "end" 3037961 - RULE 16.62 expression: (oo=oo+1000) = 1000 3037961 - MIDI OUT [DDJ-1000]: B1 16 07 B1 36 68 3037961 - OUT 16.62 Control Change (14-bit) on ch. 2 with CC#:22 (0x16) and value:oo=1000 3037961 - IN 16.68 On timer "calc2_d" 3037961 - OUT 16.68 One-shot timer "calc_clock2": 0 ms delay 3037961 - IN 17.12 On timer "calc_clock2" 3037961 - RULE 17.12 assignment: (hf=1) = 1 3037961 - OUT 17.12 One-shot timer "calc_clock2_b": 30 ms delay 3037962 - IN 0.12 On timer "master_clock" 3037962 - RULE 0.12 expression: (hz=hz+1) = 49209 3037962 - IN 9.12 On timer "master_clock" 3037962 - RULE 9.12 assignment: (pp=0) = 0 3037962 - RULE 9.12 condition satisfied: if yo==1 then Goto "cur_playing" 3037962 - RULE 9.12 assignment: (oo=hy) = 10 3037962 - RULE 9.12 expression: (oo=oo/5) = 2 3037962 - RULE 9.12 expression: (y5=y5+oo) = 250 3037962 - RULE 9.12 expression: (y5=y5%360) = 250 3037962 - IN 14.12 On timer "master_clock" 3037962 - RULE 14.12 assignment: (pp=0) = 0 3037962 - OUT 9.12 One-shot timer "refresh_jog1": 0 ms delay 3037962 - RULE 14.12 condition satisfied: if yp==1 then Goto "cur_playing" 3037962 - RULE 14.12 assignment: (oo=hy) = 10 3037962 - RULE 14.12 expression: (oo=oo/5) = 2 3037962 - RULE 14.12 expression: (y6=y6+oo) = 350 3037962 - IN 9.6 On timer "refresh_jog1" 3037962 - RULE 14.12 expression: (y6=y6%360) = 350 3037962 - RULE 9.6 assignment: (oo=y5) = 250 3037962 - MIDI OUT [DDJ-1000]: B0 14 01 B0 34 7A 3037962 - OUT 9.6 Control Change (14-bit) on ch. 1 with CC#:20 (0x14) and value:oo=250 3037962 - OUT 14.12 One-shot timer "refresh_jog2": 0 ms delay 3037962 - IN 14.6 On timer "refresh_jog2" 3037962 - RULE 14.6 assignment: (oo=y6) = 350 3037962 - MIDI OUT [DDJ-1000]: B1 14 02 B1 34 5E 3037962 - OUT 14.6 Control Change (14-bit) on ch. 2 with CC#:20 (0x14) and value:oo=350 3037966 - MIDI OUT [DDJ-1000]: 96 05 00 3037966 - OUT 5.13 Note On on ch.'xx'=6 (ch.7) with note:yy=5 and velocity:pp=0