2020-02-11 13:55:06
Hi Steve.
Help me please configurate BMT so, that translator "Mute" would generate its outgoing message only if "UnMute" button are release. File in attachment.
Thank You!
2020-02-11 13:55:06
Hi Steve.
Help me please configurate BMT so, that translator "Mute" would generate its outgoing message only if "UnMute" button are release. File in attachment.
Thank You!
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-02-11 15:52:17
Hi, I would need more information and based on what you tell me it may not be possible.
Is the mute button on your controller momentary or toggle?
Momentary would to send CC with value of 127 and push and 0 on release
Toggle would be to send CC 127 on first push then 0 on second push and so forth.
If it is Momentary, you can send value upon release.
If it is toggle, it will probably only send value on push.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
2020-02-11 16:55:35
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-02-11 17:36:51
I'm assuming you want to toggle the mute state every time you release the button and only send the Unmute comment (Note 39 MIDI CH 1 velocity 1). When it is in the unmute state.
Translator 1 suppresses the incoming CC#3 push message from going to your MIDI thru path.
Translator 2 sends the note on every other release of the Unmute button. It does this by toggling the value of ga and only sending the output when ga=0. Not sure if you want to send on 1 or 0 so you can modify this rule if it backwards for you.
if ga==1 then exit rules, skip outgoing action
Translator 3 suppresses the CC message for the defined MIDI through path (similar to translator 1).
If you don't have any MIDI thru paths defined, then you could get away with just translator number 2.
I created aliases "From My Controller" and "To My App" and changed the thru path to these aliases. You had Bome MIDI Translator Virtual 1 port for both input and output so you should just be able to assign these aliases accordingly and it should work for you.
I tend to almost always use aliases so that as devices move around it takes less work changing my project (just reassign the aliases).
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
2020-02-11 20:47:30
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-02-11 22:11:17
OK, when you press the mute on translator 1.1, I set the value of global variable ga to 1 in the rules.
// indicate button pressed
When you release the button, on translator 1.2, I set the global variable ga back to 0 in rules.
// indicate button released
Your strum bar Mute button (Translater 2.1) looks at the value of ga in rules and if it is 1 (button still down), it aborts the outgoing action.
// only if button released
if ga==1 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
2020-02-11 23:59:43