
2020-02-21 15:58:20


I have installed the trial version of BOME MIDI TRANSLATOR and I really need help programming it.

My goal is to filter the MIDI signal from a SYLPHYO MIDI flute so that I can overblow, that is to say to go up an octave by blowing harder.

See: https://www.aodyo.com/

1 - the MIDI signal must be filtered according to the breath level - CC2 or CC11 - and go up 1 octave higher to a certain threshold, for example for note D3 at around 54 (on a scale from 0 to 127) and not only depending on the velocity but also on the level of the breath. (example from 0 to 54 = D3 and from 55 to 127 = D4)

2 - It is necessary to be able to program a sensitivity curve for the different notes. The tests I had done worked quite well with D3 = 54 / E3 = 55 / F # 3 = 56 - - - - - - - - - up to D4 = 61. Depending on the acoustic instruments that we are trying to copy, this curve must may be different or flat in some cases, i.e. the same trigger level for all notes.


(see attached file: SYLPHYO OVERBLOW english)

3 - The output level of each octave must be able to be modified because it will be from 0 to 55 for E3 but from 56 to 127 for E4, which makes a too big difference in level.

I think it should be transformed from 0 to 80 for the base octave (D3 to D4) and from 0 to 100 for the upper octave (D4 to D5)

Low octave = IN 0 to 61 = OUT 0 to 80 (or different setting)

High octave = IN 62 to 127 = OUT 0 to 100 (or different setting)

4 - If the total MIDI output signal can output on a single channel, it's better because it will avoid using multiple sequencer tracks (DAW)

Well, I hope I have been clear and precise enough, but don't hesitate to send me if you have any questions or suggestions.

Thank you in advance.



PS: I am French and its automatic translate




Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-02-21 19:01:47



This is certainly possible. The most time consuming part would be to build sensitivity curves for different notes and set it up so you can tune the project parameters for different instruments.


Do you want help is setting this up yourself. If so I can provide some guidance for free.

If you want me to do it for you, drop me an email so we can make arrangements for fee based services.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist


2020-02-25 13:46:05


Hello Steve, Did you receive my email ? I await your news… Sincerely. Marc

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-02-25 14:37:22


Hi Marc, Sorry I must have missed it. I will look and respond today. I will probably have a bunch of questions around the expected behavior. Steve Caldwell Bome Q and A Moderator and Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist bome@sniz.biz