2020-02-22 06:42:38
Is there a way to shorten latency midi sent from and back to Ableton? Midi I send to Midi Translator Pro and send back to Ableton lags behind other tracks in the same Ableton set.
2020-02-22 06:42:38
Is there a way to shorten latency midi sent from and back to Ableton? Midi I send to Midi Translator Pro and send back to Ableton lags behind other tracks in the same Ableton set.
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-02-22 06:52:25
Hi, I doubt if there is any latency within MT Pro itself but if you show your project file, I might find the reason that you would be experiencing it. MT virtual ports are very fast. Maybe you have a MIDI loop somewhere in your project setup.
Are you sending only back and forth from MT Pro or are you sending to a controller or synth through MT Pro and having it return data back to Ableton Live? Please also specify what control surface or application you have connected to the other end of the connection from and to Ableton Live.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
2020-02-23 05:49:54
Thank you for your response. Please see the attached. I am not using a midi controller or synth, just sending Superior Drummer kick, snare and hats from Ableton Live to MT Pro then having MT Pro transpose and send back to another midi track in Ableton. If you are saying that it\'s highly unlikely that MT Pro would be causing any latency, there is another plugin on the Ableton Live receiving (from MT Pro) track that might be causing the latency because the original Superior Drummer track is on time, but the track receiving the midi data from MT Pro is lagging. I will perform a test where I take off that plugin when I hear a lag to see if it\'s that plugin causing the latency. The plugin is called instascale.
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-02-23 08:15:30
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-02-23 16:22:19
Here are my comments. I exported your project file to text and then commented within there. I also updated your project file but not preset \"Original\" because it was unchecked. Give it a try and see if it is better.
Project: 1582433109401_SD3-Split
Project MIDI IN ports: Bome Virtual Port 1
Project MIDI OUT ports: Bome MIDI Translator 7 Virtual Out
[x] Preset 0: Kick 36
Default MIDI IN ports: Bome MIDI Translator 5 Virtual In
Default MIDI OUT ports: Bome MIDI Translator 9 Virtual Out
[x] Translator 0.0: NOTE ON
Options: swallow
Incoming: Note On on ch. 1 with note:36 (0x24) and any velocity set \'qq\' to velocity, on ports Bome Virtual Port 1, Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In
SJC> You have preset level default input as BMT 5 and the translators within the preset as BMT 1. I suggest that you change the preset level to BMT 1 and remove the overrides at the translator level.
SJC> You have preset level default output as BMT 9 and translators within the preset as BMT 1. I suggest you change the preset level to BMT 1 and remove the overrides at the translator level
SJC> At translator level you are sending to Both the native virtual port and its alias. This will duplicate MIDI output to the same port. Bome Virtual Port 1 is the alias and Bom MIDI Translator Virtual Port out is the real port name.
Outgoing: Note On on ch. 2 with note:36 (0x24) and velocity:qq, to ports Bome Virtual Port 7, Bome MIDI Translator 7 Virtual Out, delay:0 seconds
SJC> Instead of delay of 0 seconds, uncheck delay
[x] Translator 0.1: NOTE Off
Options: swallow
Incoming: Note Off on ch. 1 with note:36 (0x24) and any velocity set \'qq\' to velocity, on ports Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In, Bome Virtual Port 1
Outgoing: Note Off on ch. 2 with note:36 (0x24) and velocity:qq, to ports Bome Virtual Port 7, Bome MIDI Translator 7 Virtual Out
[x] Preset 1: Snare 38
Default MIDI IN ports: Bome MIDI Translator 5 Virtual In
Default MIDI OUT ports: Bome MIDI Translator 9 Virtual Out
[x] Translator 1.0: NOTE ON
Options: swallow
Incoming: Note On on ch. 1 with note:38 (0x26) and any velocity set \'qq\' to velocity, on ports Bome Virtual Port 1, Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In
SJC> Same issues with virtual port selection. Best to stick with preset defaults unless you intend to override to something else in 1 or 2 translators. Much less work if you move things around to change a few dozen presets than potentially hundreds of individual translators.
SJC> Here you are attempting the process the same input twice, both the alias and the real port. I think this is the crux of the delay issues.
Outgoing: Note On on ch. 3 with note:38 (0x26) and velocity:qq, to ports Bome Virtual Port 7, Bome MIDI Translator 7 Virtual Out, delay:0 seconds
[x] Translator 1.1: NOTE Off
Options: swallow
Incoming: Note Off on ch. 1 with note:38 (0x26) and any velocity set \'qq\' to velocity, on ports Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In, Bome Virtual Port 1
Outgoing: Note Off on ch. 3 with note:38 (0x26) and velocity:qq, to ports Bome Virtual Port 7, Bome MIDI Translator 7 Virtual Out
[x] Preset 2: HH 62
Default MIDI IN ports: Bome MIDI Translator 5 Virtual In
Default MIDI OUT ports: Bome MIDI Translator 9 Virtual Out
[x] Translator 2.0: NOTE ON
Options: swallow
Incoming: Note On on ch. 1 with note:62 (0x3E) and any velocity set \'qq\' to velocity, on ports Bome Virtual Port 1, Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In
Outgoing: Note On on ch. 4 with note:62 (0x3E) and velocity:qq, to ports Bome Virtual Port 7, Bome MIDI Translator 7 Virtual Out, delay:0 seconds
[x] Translator 2.1: NOTE Off
Options: swallow
Incoming: Note Off on ch. 1 with any note set \'pp\' to note with any velocity and \'qq\' to velocity, on ports Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In, Bome Virtual Port 1
Outgoing: Note Off on ch. 4 with note:pp and velocity:qq, to ports Bome Virtual Port 7, Bome MIDI Translator 7 Virtual Out
[ ] Preset 3: Original
Default MIDI IN ports: Bome MIDI Translator 5 Virtual In
Default MIDI OUT ports: Bome MIDI Translator 9 Virtual Out
[x] Translator 3.0: NOTE ON
Options: swallow
Incoming: Note On on ch. 1 with any note set \'pp\' to note with any velocity and \'qq\' to velocity, on ports Bome Virtual Port 1, Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In
// 98 - D6 (3)
// 96 - C6 (2)
// 95 - B5 (1)
// 94 - A#5/Bb5 (Repeat)
// 93 - A5 (Home)
// 91 - G5 (-1)
// 89 - F5 (-2)
// 88 - E5 (-3)
if pp>25 then rr=93
//if pp<24 then rr=96
//if pp<43 then rr=94
if pp<51 then rr=93
if pp==38 then rr=93
if pp==36 then rr=95
if pp==62 then rr=91
if pp==42 then rr=91
if pp==63 then rr=91
exit rules, execute Outgoing Action
Outgoing: Note On on ch. 1 with note:rr and velocity:qq, to ports Bome Virtual Port 7, Bome MIDI Translator 7 Virtual Out, delay:0 seconds
[x] Translator 3.1: NOTE Off
Options: swallow
Incoming: Note Off on ch. 1 with any note set \'pp\' to note with any velocity and \'qq\' to velocity, on port Bome MIDI Translator 5 Virtual In
if pp>51 then rr=pp-12
if pp>63 then rr=pp-24
if pp<52 then rr=pp
exit rules, execute Outgoing Action
Outgoing: Note Off on ch. 1 with note:rr and velocity:qq, to port Bome MIDI Translator 9 Virtual Out
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-02-25 19:33:19
2020-02-28 03:08:40
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2020-02-28 03:49:12
2020-02-28 05:27:49