Hi Michael. Before working on the delay try sending just the first (Without B4 20 3F) and see if things work.
C4 3F.
If that doesn\'t work then the best way to put a delay after every LSB Bank changes is to have a translator that will trigger a delayed program change
So it would look like this:
Name - Specific Notes trigger delayed Bank change on CH 5
Incoming - Note On MIDI CH 5 Any note Note pp any value set to qq
// Put notes you want to use for PC change here (if there are all in a range you can simplify the
// rules below for that range instead of conditions for every note
if pp == 1 then exit rules, execute outgoing action
if pp == 23 then exit rules, execute outgoing action
// do not trigger for notes you are not using for PC by default
exit rules, skip outgoing action
Outgoing - Program Change on MIDI CH5 value pp delay 100 milliseconds (you will need to experiment with the value here to se what works)
Then leave your usual translators for those notes that you want to trigger the CC 00 messages only
Again, this may not be necessary if the microKorg response is as documented in the manual
Name: PC on note
Incoming: Note On MIDI CH5 any note set note to pp
// rules to restrict which notes send PC
if pp==1 then qq=4
if pp==23 then qq=5
if qq==-1 exit rules skip outgoing action
Outgoing: PC on MIDI CH 5 value qq
Good luck!
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist