Are you saying it always works perfectly when running on PC with MT Pro but you randomly get the issue when you run the same project on BomeBox? If so, are you also using the WidiBud when working on the computer.
To me it sound like it could either be a latency issue with WidiBud or perhaps something in the BomeBox. When running on BomeBox, are you also using WiFi for anything? It could be perhaps WiFi traffic slowing things down.
With that said, you might want to put a slight delay on preset switch just in case BomeBox is working busy on enabling/disabiling presets while also trying to updating the LED's. I don't think this is the issue however.
Also, you have 3 All Notes-Off timers running concurrently so you are trying to send 128 * 3 or 384 note off messages at the same time you are updating the LED's. That is an additional 1,152 bytes of MIDI traffic at the same time you are trying to switch presets and update LED's. This is more likely the issue you are seeing especially if you are using MIDI DIN ports.
Also it looks like you are using n1 for notes counters for all channels and running all all-notes off timers concurrently. I'm not sure why this is working correctly. I believe each all-notes off timer needs it's on global variable or you should have them executed sequentially. Actually just one all-notes off timer that handles all channels would be more bulletproof.
The single all-notes off timer would go sequencially through MIDI CH 1, then increment the channel count and then go sequencially through CH 2 etc. (or visa versa). You could put a delay of say 10ms on this to give your LED action to complete before running the all-notes off timer.
I'm really speculating right now as random problems are a little tougher to track down but this looks like the most likely suspect.
I'm attaching an all-note-off project that I did in November that iterates through all channels. You can alter the rules to skip all midi channels higher than 3 if you want.
You may also need to update the global variables to the ones you use. You should be able to just copy and past the translator into your project. then edit the rules, etc. Disable your existing notes-off translators for testing and when you are done, delete them.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist