Change Port Number from Hardware Controller with Bome


2020-03-05 16:46:55



wanted to ask, if gives a possibility to make a Portnumber change of the controller with Bome?


I want to change with a Note or CC or maybe Keystroke to change the Portnumber of my Controller.


I have searched the topics and couldn`t find a solution for this.

Only get a picture from somebody who use this with another software with a MIDI Switcher.


kindest regards


Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-03-05 18:19:58


Port numbers and their names are assigned based on the host operating system and the devices or virtual ports in which they are connected.   You cannot change these within Bome MIDI Translator Pro. However you CAN assign aliases to these names and then when opening a project, point them to the host assigned names. As long as the host or attached device has not changed the name,  sending to the aliases should work.  If MT Pro cannot find a given host provided name, it will ask you to assign it as an alias at project start. You can also re-assign aliases from the menu  item MIDI-> Edit Project Port Aliases.

Now if you want to dynamically send to different ports after the project is opened and aliases are assigned, you can do this by having separate presets assigned to specific aliases and then switching presets to dynamically change the port routing.

This video tutorial should help.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist



2020-03-05 21:24:00

Hey Steve,


I don`t know if we write about the same thing. 

I will try to give you a Overview, to better understand what I wanna do with Bome Translator.


If I use for example a fader from 0 to 127. I want that the fader change all 10+ velocity my hardware port from the hardware Midi controller to another port.

So it should send to the DAW that the hardware use another port with all the same CCs and Notes.


From port 1 (velocity 10) to port 2 (velocity 20) to port 3 (velocity 30)


I have tried to make a simple overview about my plan, what I wanna do with BOME.

In the video tutorial I couldn`t find this solution. But maybe it is that, what I want, but would need to use a MIDI connector? 

I wanna change ports from one and the same hardware controller with USB.



Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-03-05 21:47:20

So the hardware controller is sending MIDI messages to MT Pro and depending on certain conditions set in the translators, you want to send to different ports of your DAW?

This is possible, but it requires different translators for each output port.

Each translator looks at the conditions to determine if the output is meant for that translator. If not, you have a rule that exit rules, skipping the outgoing action. If it meets the criteria it sends the data out its port only.

Usually you have the same incoming action with rules to determine if the output is for (me. this translator).

So although all 3 translators see the incoming trigger, only the ones with the appropriate conditions send outgoing data to it's assigned output port.

Make sense?


If the outgoing port criteria is based on incoming port, you set up to only monitor trigger on that port. So you could have anything coming from input port 1 going to output port 1, etc.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-03-05 21:47:21

So the hardware controller is sending MIDI messages to MT Pro and depending on certain conditions set in the translators, you want to send to different ports of your DAW?

This is possible, but it requires different translators for each output port.

Each translator looks at the conditions to determine if the output is meant for that translator. If not, you have a rule that exit rules, skipping the outgoing action. If it meets the criteria it sends the data out its port only.

Usually you have the same incoming action with rules to determine if the output is for (me. this translator).

So although all 3 translators see the incoming trigger, only the ones with the appropriate conditions send outgoing data to it's assigned output port.

Make sense?


If the outgoing port criteria is based on incoming port, you set up to only monitor trigger on that port. So you could have anything coming from input port 1 going to output port 1, etc.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist


2020-03-05 22:34:14


This looks like what I am searched for. But one thing I don`t can follow. How I can tell the translator which port we using? Is this only possible with rules? If yes, so would be much appreciate to get a small example how this works :=) If this could be solved with outgoing message would be the easiest way to this :) kindest regards Mike

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-03-05 22:36:20


The translators have ports hard coded. You just use the rules, whether you want to use the assigned port for that incoming MIDI message or not.


2020-03-05 22:50:57


Did you mean the virtual ports? This aren`t the ones I mean. In MIDI out you can choose the intern portnumber from the DAW to get the information from the hardware controller. If you simple change the portnumber (from 0 till 256) You can use the hardware controller 257 times with 257 multiplicated CCs and Notes from the controller. To get more fast reaction, I wanna try to get this worked with BOME. Of course I could make it with Mouse Wheel and some Keystroke translation, but I think, it could be a much better solution for this one.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-03-05 23:14:16


The port numbers of a DAW are not usually exposed to the outside world (outside of the DAW). If they are, we would need to see the documentation on how they are made visible to the outside world. If you are talking about TCP port numbers, that is networking stuff and for the time being not handled by Bome MIDI Translator. This will likely all change in MIDI 2.0 as I anticipate it will end up being the dominant transport mechanism.


2020-03-06 17:41:39


I`ve got it! :=) I`m using the maximum of Virtual MIDI ports from BOME. Made what you wrote, and gave for each preset a different MIDI out. Made a small preset changer and now I can switch between the ports. It works perfect Steve! :) Is it possible to get more than "9" Bome Ports? Now it`s time to get more Global Variables for making an amazing script for these tones of variables. I only have left 87 Global Variables and this aren`t enough. I`m excited to MIDI 2.0 and I think, this would be revolutionary for us. kindest regards

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-03-06 18:37:34


Hi Mike, Florian is working on a product for unlimited virtual ports. It is not yet released but you can probably ask him if you want to get in on Beta when it is available. Steve Caldwell Bome Q and A Moderator and Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist


2020-03-07 21:07:57


Nice News! Maybe similar with the amazing space of global variable usage? =) I will ask him. Thank you so much, for info Steve. I much appreciate you. Kindest regards Mike