absolute > relative convert + keystoke apply?


2020-03-11 00:05:01



I saw this video.
But it's hard to apply to what I want.

(I'm using Google Translator because I can't speak English. Please understand if it's awkward.)

1.I'm want to use a midi controller for a capture one

2.my controller is korg nanokontrol studio - This is the absolute value knob. and There is also the end of the knob.

3.Look at the jpg file. and my bmtp file and youtube(https://youtu.be/Asj748xBJXM)

4.The operation I want is this.
1.(ex) Press the cc:1 button.
2.Outgoing(KEY STROKE) of CC:2 and CC:3 does not work.
3.The MIDI values of CC:2 and CC:3 change. (0,1,2,3,4,5,6~~127 / 127,126,125~~0)

4.Press the CC:1 button again to activate Outgoing of cc:2,cc:3.

Is it possible? Thank you


c1 korg.bmtp

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-03-11 02:53:01


As you can see on an absolute encoder you will likely run out of room.
The attached file uses timers to do what you want.

I created a timer for CC1 in Preset 1. Preset 2 is for CC2 with different outgoing keystrokes.

I use the global variable gb to determine whether the CC1 timer is running.

If the incoming value is between 54 and 74 then the default value of gb is 0. As long as gb=0 the timer does not run.

If the timer is greater then 74 or less than 54 the set the value of gb to 1 or -1 depending on the direction (the keystroke that we want).  Then the CC1 timer starts.

There are 2 translators that look at the CC1 timer but only one fires depending on the value of gb. The firing translators each it's respective assigned keystroke.  It will continue sending keystrokes at a rate of 250ms (set by the start timer action) until the timer is between 54 and 74 in which case the repeating timer is killed.

CC1 Timer up only sends a keystroke if gb>0  (Control-Q)

CC1 Timer down only sends a keystrok if gb<0 (Control-W)

As mentioned before if gb is between 54 and 74 the outgoing action of the first translator is to kill the timer which will stop the keystrokes).


So as long as you are centered, no keystrokes are sent and you will never hit the end of your pot or slider.

CC2 preset does the same thing but we use the variable gc instead and keystrokes right and left instead of Control-Q and Control-W

I really wasn't sure what you wanted done with the button.

This is not the easiest way to program but is the most reliable. The other method I may have mentioned in the tutorial is to use the button to suspend output while you center the pot/slider but it is not needed in this case since we are essentially using the timers to create "virtual endless encoders".

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist




2020-03-11 04:30:25

Hello Steve!
Thank you for your quick reply.
That's a nice setup.
But it's not what I want.

I will try to explain as much as I can in my poor English

1.Example Situation
CC:2 Knob Location PP 60
Turn left. PP 58
Keystroke twice operated ( keystroke ex. left key) Trun  right. up to PP 61 keystroke three operated (keystroke ex. right key) 2.Example Situation 2 CC:2 Knob Location PP 127 I want to turn the knob to the right to operate the key stroke(ex.right key) applied to the right. But The knob went all the way. --- I want the knob and slider to work in different keystroke depending on the direction. and I use a midi controller for photo correction. Therefore, it is not allowed to automatically repeat keystrokes.
I want to enter only the value I want. Thank you!


2020-03-11 04:30:54


Hello Steve! Thank you for your quick reply. That’s a nice setup. But it’s not what I want. I will try to explain as much as I can in my poor English 1.Example Situation CC:2 Knob Location PP 60 Turn left. PP 58 Keystroke twice operated ( keystroke ex. left key) Trun right. up to PP 61 keystroke three operated (keystroke ex. right key) 2.Example Situation 2 CC:2 Knob Location PP 127 I want to turn the knob to the right to operate the key stroke(ex.right key) applied to the right. But The knob went all the way. I want the knob and slider to work in different keystroke depending on the direction. and I use a midi controller for photo correction. Therefore, it is not allowed to automatically repeat keystrokes. I want to enter only the value I want. Thank you!


2020-03-11 04:43:00


I want to enter a different key stroke depending on the direction of the knob. But the handle has limitations in its movement I want to solve this.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-03-11 04:45:59

Turn the knob 90 degrees right you will get one key stroke repeated until taking the knob back to center.

Turn the knob 90 degrees left you will get a different key stroke repeated until taking the knob back to center.

This isn't what you want?



2020-03-11 04:50:14


that's not what I want. If the key stroke is repeated, it's hard to get the value I want. If the knob moves once, The keystroke also wants to work once.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-03-11 04:52:13

OK, I'll send you a version tomorrow so that if you run out of room you can push a button and recenter the knob. Is that what you want?



2020-03-11 05:04:23


Yes. 1. run out of room – CC:1 Push 2. Center(or To a position where space can be created.) the CC:2 knob or CC:3 slider again. – no keystroke. but midi value change. 3. CC:1 Push 4. CC:2 Knob or CC:3 slider Activate the keystroke according to the direction. (ex.knob turn left-keystorke left key, knob turn right-keystorke right key Thank you!!!

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-03-11 15:17:15

Hi, in this iteration I disabled the original 2 presets that used timers.

This first 2 translators of the preset "CC1 - No timer" , disable and re-enable the knob output.  If you run out of room on the right, you push a button, move the knob to the left, release the button and  now you have more room to move on the right.

If you run out of room on the left, you push a button, move the knob to the rightt, release the button and  now you have more room to move on the left.

For my example I used an incoming note 1 on MIDI CH 1 with any velocity but you will likely need to replace that with what your button sends.

The other preset (CC21) is similar except I did it on my Novation Lauchkey MINI  that does not have programmable buttons or knobs. I just used the incoming messages that they had as convenient.

Pushing the button, sets a global variable ga to 1. Release it sets it back to 0. When you turn the knob, it will only output keystrokes when the global variable variable is set to 0.

I use a different global variable for each knob in this example but you could use the same one for all if you want the single button to disable/enable the output of many knobs.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist


I hope this helps!





2020-03-11 16:37:01


Hi, Steve. Perfect! I set the note key to toggle in the KORG editor. Press 1 and CC:1 will not work. Press again to set CC:1 to work. It's by your favor. Thank you!