2020-03-11 20:44:35
Apologies if this is out of the scope for Bome, but the info is helping me on how to route things thru my BomeBox. And it's probably not an official Bome usage question, so again: apologies if I'm breaking protocol.
I have a choice to either send data half thru DIN MIDI and half thru USB MIDI. I know USB can be faster, but we're still talking about MIDI data which has to be at a specific rate, no? Or can it handle more data more reliably?
Data is going from a single sequencer which has 2 DIN ports Out and 1 USB. One configuration I have data split between one DIN and the USB going to the BomeBox (BomeBox DIN and via a USB Hub respectively IN to the Box). Another is all the data on 16 channels going in to the BomeBox via USB Hub and then distributed from there. (I make use of Translator based routings, so easy-peasy to swap things around on a case-by-case basis)
I assume splitting the data might be more reliable in some circumstances, but is it a significant gain over the ease of a single connection and therefore minimizing any interface usage? I'd have to cut down on the active number of Tracks I can *potentially* use (since much of my gear is multi-timbral), but I'd be willing to sacrifice that for reliability.
tl;dr - Which is better:
- 8 Channels into BomeBox on DIN MIDI and 8 Channels in on USB MIDI
- 16 Channels into BomeBox on USB MIDI (factoring in that one connection makes live performance setup in a minor sense less confusing or potentially less problematic)?