2020-03-27 11:10:15
My setup consist of two paired bomebox (Bomebox1 and Bomebox2). There are no computer in my setup. My goal is to be computer-free once the programming is done.
Here's my issue: when I power on my setup, the two boxes are paired, each one is running the correct midi translator pro project with the correct midi ports configured. But, nothing I mapped is working... Then I found out that if I go in the web config of Bomebox2, set every midi ports to "none", save, re-set every midi ports to its correct assignment, re-save, then everything is working. Which is not that bad, but I really want to just power on everything and everything works (without computer, logging, etc.).
The weird part is that I don't need to do it on both boxes, just the one I called Bomebox2.
I think the problem may be that the two boxes are not running the same version of the firmware. Bomebox1 is running 1.3.2 and Bomebox2 is running 1.4.1. I did not try updating because the buggy box in my setup is the most updated one and I don't want to have the same problem on both boxes as it would mean double the process: web config, unassigned midi port, save, reassign midi port, save. (this process is killing me right now)
What should I do ? Update ?
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-03-27 18:34:34
Hi, you should probably update but first, lets take a look at the project file for BomeBox2 (which if I understand is the latest version and is the one you have to manually configure after restart).
Keep in mind, that when you have a project file loaded, the port assignment and routing of the project file will override any default BomeBox routing so my guess is that your project file has some incorrect assignments and so after starting, you need to manually go to your Web Config and change the assignments. This includes both routing and alias assignments which once set, BomeBox should remember.
So if you post your file to have me look at it, maybe you should also post a screen shot of your port settings and routing settings of your setup when it is working so that I can compare.
Once we get it working, then yes, we should update your other BomeBox.
Another thing to check is that on V 1.4.1 there is a setting for MIDI Routes called "Automatic Routes" which you should leave unchecked. I think that a loaded project file should override this setting but I'm note 100% sure. Setting this routes all attache ports to all other attached ports (if there is no project file loaded). It makes easier to configure BomeBox to talk to every attached device if you have no project file running. I believe this feature only exists on V 1.4.1.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
2020-03-28 13:07:54
Hi and thanks for your answer. During the time between my question and your answer, I downgraded Bomebox2 to the same version as Bomebox1 and realized I had no more issue, everything work fine after restart.
This tells me that there is no problem with my project, my port setting or routing settings. Am I right ?
I don't remember the state of the "automatic routes" option prior to the downgrade. Maybe that was the issue.
Now that I have something working, I can try to update both boxes (and uncheck the "automatic routes" option if it doesn't work). In the worst case scenario, I'll downgrade back. What do you think ?
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-03-28 15:29:26
Leave it downgraded for now. Please either email or post your problem project file and I will take a look. I know that the MT project engine on 1.4.1 is a bit different so I would like to see if I can reproduce the problem on 1.4.1 so that when I ask you to upgrade, I have confidence that it will not break things for you.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist