Thanks for the response Steve,
This specifically applies to Windows 10 1909 18363.720 updated 3/20.
This all started as I bought Ableton Live 10 Suite a year back and recently Orb Composer S 1.5 with your Midi Driver.
Bome Virtual Midi 2.1.044 from Orb Composer would not install with out error they sent me a link to yours.
BMIDI_Driver_2.1.0.44.exe from BOME Site
I tried both and got error 14. With a uninstall in between. So I began looking into driver issues with midi products and yours is just one of many, KORG got blocked as are, Loopbe30 and such.
So in looking for information I came across this article and link to Microsoft\'s position on the need to solve midi driver crashes and driver crashes is general by managing the list themselves and only allowing certified drivers to install.
\"Microsoft has traditionally determined to put an upgrade block in place when it discovers driver compatibility issues. But in the name of improving the upgrade experience for Windows 10 users, the company is implementing a process to allow hardware partners to submit request update blocks until a driver has been validated. After that, the driver can be distributed through Windows Update (WU).
\"If there are known issues for feature update and driver compatibility, partners can request feature update offer block mitigation while a compatible driver update is being validated and posted to WU,\" Microsoft states.
Microsoft clarified that partners can request a temporary Windows Update offer block of between 30 to 60 days \"so that Windows Update will not offer the feature update to devices running a driver version with a known incompatibility\".
\"The offer block will be removed once a partner has posted an updated driver,\" Microsoft explained.\"
** If you have not seen this before its probably because updates are slow to be adopted but its coming.
Thank you in advance for your help on this.