2020-04-08 14:17:54
Hi I need help with my project. It's both me learning how to use BMT and setting up the basic of a live-set. The first thing is learning how to map grids of buttons without making single translators for every single button.
So I have a grid of 8 buttons on my controller that I want to map to a specific channel on a specific note range of my DAW.
BMT log for MIDI IN button 1:
1: MIDI IN [Twitch]: 97 60 7F
2: MIDI IN [Twitch]: 97 60 00
BMT log for MIDI IN button 8:
3: MIDI IN [Twitch]: 97 67 7F
4: MIDI IN [Twitch]: 97 67 00
Meaning they are all Note ON messages on Channel 8, note 60h (96) to 67h (103). Note offs are made with Note ON velocity 0 as you can see.
So I set up 2 translators, one for Note ONs, one for Note OFFs.
Channels are easy, incoming is always 8, outgoing is always 1
Notes need to be transposed to start at C0 (MIDI note #0) and up (0, 1, 2... 7). Incoming notes are as you can see in the log, 96 to 103 (decimal). So I assigned incoming notes as "any note" set to "pp" and outgoing notes as "rr" and used a simple rule:
Velocity is simply passed with a "qq" variable.
So far so good.
The translator for note off is identical. The the difference should be that incoming velocity is 0 and that's it.
Well, to keep it short, it doesn't work. Seems like BMT won't process this in the order I want. The first translator (note on) works fine, but the second (note off) should have velocity 0 not 127.
BMT log for Incoming, Rules and Outgoing after setting up the two translators is as follows:
1: IN 0.0 Note On on ch. 8 with any note set 'pp' to note=96 with any velocity and 'qq' to velocity=127
2: RULE 0.0:1 expression: (rr=pp-96) = 0
3: OUT 0.0 Note On on ch. 1 with note:rr=0 and velocity:qq=127
4: IN 0.1 Note On on ch. 8 with any note set 'pp' to note=96 with any velocity and 'qq' to velocity=127
5: RULE 0.1:1 expression: (rr=pp-96) = 0
6: OUT 0.1 Note On on ch. 1 with note:rr=0 and velocity:qq=127
Another interesting log is MIDI IN + MIDI OUT
1: MIDI IN [Twitch]: 97 60 7F
2: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 00 7F
3: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 00 7F
4: MIDI IN [Twitch]: 97 60 00
From the DAW side I can confirm that notes are triggered correctly but no note off command is sent.
Anyone any advice?