The way it is written is for you to set the MIDI channel and then send the note with 1 keypress.
For example note 59 will set MIDI Channel 8 in the first translator and then send on MIDI Channel 8 later down the list. I think you want to use a different note held down as a shift function.
Also you have your first translator mis-labled as MIDI Channel 7.
Also you are sending note number pp and value qq with each translator yet, pp and qq are local variables therefore their value is "undefined" until you define them.
Here are the changes I made.
1) Added a note-on translator as a shift function to set the global variable ga to 1. Since I don't know the MIDI note you are using for shift on your Xone, I used the global variable gb. You can change the note number in the Init preset, set global variables translator.
2) Added a note-off translator to set variable ga to 0. Again I used gb as the note number so that when you release the button ga is note 0
3) Changed the channel select translators with a new rule in front (if ga==0 then exit rules, skip outgoing action). Now these translators will only change g0 if shift is down (ga==1).
4) Changed the note out translators with the new rule in front (if ga==1 then exit rules, skip outgoing action). Now these translators will only fire if your shift key is released
5) fixed all note out translators so they capture the incoming note value as pp and the incoming note velocit as qq. This way the local variables pp and qq will be in a known state so your output note values and velocities should be the same as your incoming note values and velocity. Of course the outgoing channel will be the one you selected when pressing the note with shift.
If you don't want to use a global variable as a shift function (requireing changing rules all translators), instead you can put all of your shift translators in one preset and all of you unshifted translators in another preset and then instead of changing ga and having each translator look at ga, just have the shift on output enable only the shifted preset and shift-off enable only the unshifted preset as shown in the tutorial below:
The global variable shift layer method is shown in te below tu
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist