Rob Sharp
2020-04-14 23:53:10
I am trying to creat a file that to take the CC from a Line 6 FBV3 and change it to Notes to Map to Ableton Live. I think i have watched enough videos to understand the writing of the Translators. MY confusion is how do I route that? I have tried FBV 3to FBV 3, BOme 1 tro FVB3 and the reverse and several other combos. Am I missing something with the MID Router?
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-04-15 00:11:11
Hi, I can probably help but you would need to post your project file. The file you posted is a .fbv file and not sure what that is.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
Rob Sharp
2020-04-15 00:18:10
Oops wrong file. Here is the right one.
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-04-15 00:47:14
See diagrams below. In MT Pro you:
1) click on project level so you can see assigned input and output ports
2) Create meaning full alias names
3) Check the boxes for the aliases you want Line 6 FB3 In from your controler and Ableton Live (Bome MIDI Translator Virtual port 1 BMT 1) to send to Live
In Abelton Live MIDI Preferences assuming you want this to control functions Click BMT 1 for input to match what you did in step 3 above.
Then use MIDI Learn in Ableton Live to assign what you want to do.
Also I noticed that on your first transator you were sending value pp as output. Since pp is a local variable, by definition the value is unknown unless you assign it. I assume you really want output of 127 so I set it in the attached.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
Rob Sharp
2020-04-15 01:06:44
The pp thing was an error and I could figure out to deselect it.
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-04-15 04:06:59
It worked though didn't it. If so, could you mark a resolved? If not, let me know and we can keep working on it.
Rob Sharp
2020-04-15 19:33:52
Sorry didnt get a chance to fully test it out until today. There were some settings in Ableton Prefernces I had to experiement with also in regards to the FBV 3. The Bome settings in Ableton are the same as the IAC settings so I will remember that. I think I actually like the the stock devices instead of the Aliases. It's a nice touch, but I guess I am just use to Abelton. My instincts were right in my settings in Bome, but the setttings in Ableton didmt jive.
I ended up deleting the pedal pass through off CC it just complicated things and was very choppy. Extra step in processing that wasn't required I suppose. Thanks again for your help!
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-04-15 21:01:15
Glad you got it working!