2020-04-28 12:56:08
I'm very new to this software. I am trying to delay "note off" for every incoming note (I'm using an organ pedalboard to control an upright bass sound in Mainstage, and want to make the notes last longer).
I copied another file I found in the forums, and can delay the note off. Can I make it so that if a note is repeated, it cancels the note off from the previous note (which has been delayed)? This only matters when I repeat a note— the previously delayed note off cancels the current note! I've attached the file.
Thank you,
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-04-28 19:04:46
Something like the below should work. It uses a one shot timer.
The first translator is triggered by note-on and sets the current note number in global variable ga and velocity in gb. It also sends the note
The second translator is also triggered by note-on and starts a note-off timer.
The third translator also trigger by note-on will look to see if a note is playing (the value of ga). If it is not playing (as set by the last translator to value of -1) then this translator does nothing which will let the timer execute after the given delay. If there is no note playing then ga will be -1 and it will kill the note off timer.
The forth translator sends the note and sets ga to-1 indicating no note is playing.
For testing, I set timer for 1000ms in translator 2. You can change it back to 120 (or anything else you might want). It is just easier to test with longer delay.
I also removed the thru pat and specified the input and output ports in the preset.
One caveat. If the two notes in quick succession are different, then you may end up with stuck notes as only the last note played will send a note-off.
There would need to be other translators and rules to prevent this by comparing new incoming note with last note played.
2020-04-28 19:19:27
Thank you so much! Now, is there any way to make it so I can continue to sustain the note longer than the delay timer (by keeping my foot on the pedal), or would this require a whole different solution?
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-04-28 19:35:58
Thank you so much! Now, is there any way to make it so I can continue to sustain the note longer than the delay timer (by keeping my foot on the pedal), or would this require a whole different solution?
A> Well it depends on your pedal but probably not if your pedal just sends note-on when pressed. However it if sends note-off when released then maybe, but I suspect not since you want automatic note off. You would probably need to have another pedal also pressed to signal the auto note-off to stop sending note-offs.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist