DaVinci Resolve and Bome's Midi Translator Classic


2020-04-28 21:26:34


I have Behringer X-TOUCH MINI with single fader. I'm trying to do a simple thing - change the fader number from 8 to 1 (2, 3... ).

Am I right that this cannot be done in the Classic version of the program? Because Resolve is expecting Fader Touch and Fader Release messages, and sending them from Classic is not possible. I can change E8 to E0 (E1, etc), it works (I can see it on MIDI monitor), but Resolve doesn't react at all.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-04-28 21:50:33

Hi output values for faders 0-7 and master given input value of qq

90 68 01 E0 qq qq 90 68 00
90 69 01 E1 qq qq 90 69 00
90 6A 01 E2 qq qq 90 6A 00
90 6B 01 E3 qq qq 90 6B 00
90 6C 01 E4 qq qq 90 6C 00
90 6D 01 E5 qq qq 90 6D 00
90 6E 01 E6 qq qq 90 6E 00
90 6E 01 E7 qq qq 90 6E 00
90 70 01 E8 qq qq 90 70 00
The 90 xx 01 is fader touch

The 90 xx 00 is fader release


Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist


2020-04-28 22:46:25



2020-04-28 22:47:50

90 6F 01 E7 qq qq 90 6F 00

It works! Thank you so much.


DaVinci Resolve (1 fader to 8 channels).bmtp

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-04-28 23:05:38


Glad to hear!