general help premire pro Mackie Control


2020-05-05 15:38:09

hello staff

I use an Akai APC 25, windows 10 and I have tested with adobe premiere pro but nothing works.

I looked at and covered this toutorial without being able to make anything work:

in my opinion this toutorial is not easy for those who do not have skills in your software:

there are some indications pp qq (which means bho?)
the output section isn't even mentioned it passes
directly to press (2:09 min)
how do you expect premiere to work like this?

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-05-05 18:00:15

Hi, and welcome to the forum! 

Yes, the objective of the tutorials is to give you a flavor of what can be done within a very short time frame. (Usually under 4 minutes). 


Additional help is often required after reviewing tutorials which is the purpose of this forum. If you are interested in learning and getting skills with MT Pro, I suggest you review the user manual by pressing F1 from within MT Pro and/or reviewing each tutorial in the series.  The tutorial you viewed was one of the more advanced ones and assumed you had reviewed some of the more basic introductory tutorials first.  The first 2 tutorials in the series below along with the user manual should help get you started.

In answer to pp and qq, these are local variables that you store and manipulate information within rules of a translator. Global and local variables are discussed in detail in the user manual.

Now, if you really don't want to learn this stuff, that is OK too, I often offerend paid services for people looking for a pre-built solution.  I don't currently have one built for the APC Key 25 but would gladly help if you are interested.  If you want me to provide an example of 1 or 2 faders. I could do that here as a free support. You would then need to implement the rest of the functionality you are looking for. Of course, pointed questions will always be answered here and there is also a wealth of information from others that may have asked similar questions.  Use the search function on key words to see if there is already something there that might help you. I would suggest searching on "Mackie", "MCU" or "APC Key25"


Again, if you are interested in just looking for a few fader mappings, let me know and I'll drop in an example here.

If you really don't want to learn this stuff and are looking more for a full solution, just drop me an email.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-05-05 18:33:57

The attachment implements Faders 1-8 using the knobs of an APC Key 25.


Again, if there are other buttons, or Mackie features required, I'm available for fee based services. You would have to show me what controls, you want to use for each Mackie function.



Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist




2020-05-06 02:26:10


I need to operate the fader of the fadeport classic in audition, what would be your rate?

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-05-06 04:46:40


Send me an email


2020-05-06 09:28:00

kind Steve Caldwell

yes, if possible give indications on 1 fader for APC Key 25
I'd like to use it to control the audio mixer in premiere pro.

one question: once I understand, how to operate the APC Key 25 fader with MT Pro software, I will be able (for example) to also check
the lumetri color panel inside at premiere?

Will I be able to make settings myself for other adobe suite software such as lightroom or audition? or is each fader to be made a sattings apart of which I do not know the procedure?
in practice once you teach me to custom a fader then can I set others by myself?


Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-05-06 16:49:55


Hi, the example I already posted handles 8 faders. Did you see it? I’ve played around with Lumitri but with limited success. You really need to always know where the controls are on your screen since we have to handle it with mouse clicks. If you move things around on your screen, things break pretty quickly. Ideally at some point it would be nice if Premier Pro added MIDI capabilities for other functions outside of Mackie MCU. Maybe user mappable MIDI messages for certain functions. Premier basic Mackie Emulation is pretty solid though.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-05-06 16:54:45

Hi, the example I already posted handles 8 faders. Did you see it?

I've played around with Lumitri but with limited success. You really need to always know where the controls are on your screen since we have to handle it with mouse clicks. If you move things around on your screen, things break pretty quickly. Ideally at some point it would be nice if Premier Pro added MIDI capabilities for other functions outside of Mackie MCU. Maybe user mappable MIDI messages for certain functions.

Premier basic Mackie Emulation is pretty solid though.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist


2020-05-06 19:06:17

yes I saw the file with 8 faders

now I begin to understand the mechanism of how MT Pro software works.
But I have many questions, many doubts

1, ° where does this string of numbers and letters come from
on the output card?
90 pp 7F E0 qq qq 90 pp 00

how do I know what it refers to where it is? whose is it?
Mackie's premiere? MT Pro? JS? well I don't understand ...

if I didn't have this string maybe even after 50 years my faders didn't work !!!

2, ° I have seen many toutorials that control faders with the mouse but I have not understood how to do it .... it must be a paid secret or can I know how to use the mouse for any test of any software?

3, ° my idea was to use MT Pro for more software, lightroom
premiere, photoshop etc but i think i will abandon ...
learning a software like MT Pro is equivalent to being an engineer
computer scientist, frankly I don't have all the time to learn this thing and leave my profession, better buy one
console with Mackie plug and play protocol and in 2 minutes it's over,
or hope for a much simpler connector software than
MT Pro

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-05-06 19:40:16


Yes, MT Pro comes in handy when you have vendors that do not want to invest the time in integrating with other MIDI applications so you use it to piece together the missing parts on your own (if you don't want to learn Bome MIDI Translator Pro). All of this power comes with some patience and willing to learn unless you just want to pay someone else to do it for you. Even things that are Mackie "Plug and Play" are often missing pieces that you may want.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-05-06 19:44:20


PS. And a Mackie plug and play controller will not solve your Lumetri requirement for Adobe Premier. Many people are struggling with it but Adobe really has not wanted to invest in more MIDI integration with their products (so far).


2020-05-10 15:24:21


I received a generic answer but not an answer to what I asked for.

where does this string of numbers and letters come from?
on the output card?
90 pp 7F E0 qq qq 90 pp 00

my idea was to use MT Pro for more software,
premiere for lightroom, photoshop how do i know each adobe fader (premiere, lightroom, photoshop) which raw string matches the cursor to set it on MT Pro?


Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-05-10 16:12:53

I received a generic answer but not an answer to what I asked for.

where does this string of numbers and letters come from?
on the output card?
90 pp 7F E0 qq qq 90 pp 00

SJC> These are raw MIDI messages. You can get an idea on what a MIDI message is on

The pp and qq in the message refers to local variables which you can find in the MT Pro product documentation (Press F1 or help menu within MT Pro and the PDF document opens up). The term variable simple refers to a method to store numbers in named memory locations for later use.

For Mackie MCU protocol which describes the messages used specific for this protocol, do a web search on "Mackie MCU protocol". I can't remember the exact name of the document but I believe it was published by Logic control. There is MIDI section at the end that details the Mackie protocol MIDI messages. Try maybe a search on emagic. Mackie MCU is a protocol that uses MIDI so probably would be best to understand MIDI first.


my idea was to use MT Pro for more software,
premiere for lightroom, photoshop how do i know each adobe fader (premiere, lightroom, photoshop) which raw string matches the cursor to set it on MT Pro?

SJC> The Mackie MCU Protocol is MIDI only and the applications above may have limited support of them. Probably just things like fader, mute, solo.  The protocol does not include commands for cursor movement, computer keystrokes or mouse clicks.  However if you know the coordinates on the screen for these apps and can keep them in the same place on your screen, you CAN use MT Pro to convert incoming MIDI message to outgoing keystrokes, mouse movement and clicks.

Providing a complete instruction on MIDI or Mackie MCU is beyond the scope of the free support offered here, however I'm available for offering this kind of help for a fee as an independent consultant.  If interested, just send me an email.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist